I cantbelieveitsnot-butter

I’m turning 40 next month, and I’m actually pretty happy about it. I learn more the older I get. I have more context for everything going on around me. I care less and less what other people think of me, and spend a lot more time doing things I like instead of trying to define who I am.

I was cool with 30, but kinda freaked out about 35. I’m 36 now, and I really don’t want to be 40.

By all accounts I have heard (Tig included, they’re very close friends) Sarah is is actually a really kind person and loyal friend. In her case, there is a separation between her comedy style and her personality. I think Chelsea and Amy may just be mean people who do comedy, as opposed Sarah who does mean comedy.

Can we add Chelsea Handler to the list? Those three just seem like the ultimate mean girls to me.

Yeah, I never really liked mean humor and Amy just seems kinda mean. I like cutting social commentary, but I just get this sort of mean vibe from her humor as opposed to someone like George Carlin who is similarly "mean/cutting" but different in a way I can't really describe well. Or like Samantha Bee, she is angry

Yup. She wasn’t being offensive, you just don’t get her “humor.”

I am old and seriously asking for help understanding this. Schumer’s quote was:

Or...Tig is being an asshole.

YUP! I get the same impression, she just seems like an overly sarcastic asshole who uses it as an excuse to be an asshole. "I'm just kidding, GOD!!" And Tig Notaro is pretty incredible and genuinely funny, not just jokey funny but a funny person. This is not at all surprising

Schumer seems like the kind of person who is extremely nice, funny and articulate while sober and then says douchey shit when she gets loaded, believing it to be entertaining because it was once.

Not so sure, we’ll have to agree to disagree. I need to finish reading the battle of wits now!

‘Male’ and ‘masculine’ don’t mean the same thing.

Amy Schumer is sooooo unfunny. Just came to say that. Also not at all surprised at any of this. She’s just a blonde Sarah Silverman to me.

Quite funny looking at those 2 trolls battling it out. I thought that Hoyo was female though, not that I’ll bother correcting Squidy.

I’m criticizing Hoyo for always speaking on everyone’s behalf. It’s all he does. Except when he wants to, for example, mock disabled people.

Tig doesn’t seem to wear pink and lipgloss and heels. So she may not even watch Sex and the City 2? Rite? Honestly. The eye rolls from all definitions of women who dress how they want and don’t wear make up etc etc is virtually audible.

Why am I not even slightly shocked that you’ve already resorted to name calling? Goodbye.

The fact that being a woman hurts women dies not detract from the fact that not looking typically feminine also hurts women.

But, that is in fact masculine. Like, it says nothing about a person’s gender identity, but gender presentation is a spectrum from feminine to masculine, and denying that will not help those people who fall outside of what society would consider the “normal” way to present one’s gender.

So what? Two people aren’t best friends. Do I have choose sides, boycott someone and wear a stupid t-shirt now? Stop asking women about their opinions about each other all the time. Ask about whatever book or movie their promoting instead of pitting them against each other