I cantbelieveitsnot-butter

And also that it was a gay nightclub, on a Latin night, full of people of color.

I would personally pay money to the next interviewer who sits down with Trump to bait him with a “If Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to enter the country because of these attacks, do you think Muslims should be allowed to purchase guns?” Homeslice is so fucking stupid that he’ll take the bait and all hell will break

Sadly, no. It really isn’t about us. It’s about the three American gun manufacturers exploring a loophole/Iron Triangle that has accidentally appeared/persisted in our legal/political system. The gun manufacturers want to keep making money and living high on the hog. They pay to support the NRA, which has a relatively

Honestly, after watching perhaps the greatest President anyone of us will have in our lifetimes come out almost resigned and defeated because he knows deep down that Congress will never take the sort of actions necessary to prevent future attacks and instead soapbox on hate I’m just tired.

Two of my friends got married last night, hours before the attack. In Texas! They became husband and husband in Texas, of all places. A joyful celebration of their new freedom to express their love and commitment to one another. A night to celebrate every year.

I am so sorry about your parents. You don't deserve that at all. I can not for the life of me understand how someone can be so callous to their own blood. You deserve love and happiness and I hope that one day your family accepts you for who you are. Regardless, surround yourself with people who love you for you.

We must regulate who can use what bathrooms, because criminals will try to molest our daughters, wives, and mothers.

Thank you for the kindness and love. I am many years past caring how my parents feel - the young and alone still stuck in families or communities where they are not accepted is where my heart is now.

So many things keep going through my head about misogyny and domestic terrorism and race and guns and wash, rinse, repeat.

I feel nothing but anger and hate towards the vile bigot who thought that his icky feelings justified taking 50 lives. I feel nothing but anger and hate towards our “leaders” who take money from the gun lobby and offer nothing but thoughts and prayers. I feel nothing but anger and hate towards the Republicans who

I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine doing that to one of my children. I wish you were one of mine - I would accept you without condition.

I’m so sorry you have to deal with that from your family. Internet hugs <3. I know it sucks when the people who are supposed to be there to love and support you unconditionally fail to do that, but for what it’s worth there are those of us out there who do love and support you (and give you mad props for being brave

What?! People are crazy.

I just feel so numb. The stories are so similar to the shooting in Bataclan (Paris) where I actually knew people inside (they made it out). And this has the added horror of being a hate crime. It’s just too much. I wish the press would stop calling it the biggest shooting - it’s like it’s an actual accomplishment.

Crying again over here, at Amy Hempel’s beautiful words and for the victims of yet another act of senseless violence.

It’s been such a long time since I was afraid to be proud. Didn’t miss that feeling.

I read that Hamilton decided to not use muskets in their performance and people are giving them so much shit for it. I think it shows their sensitivity for the gun violence. I mean we all know that much of the Tony audience is going to be LGBT and it is just too raw to see people dancing around and singing with guns.

I woke up this morning to a whole bunch of Facebook messages from my Orlando friends checking in safe, and my day has been flooded with people sending thoughts and prayers. I know people mean well, and some find comfort in these things, for which I begrudge no one. I’m sad about what happened, but more than that I am

This totally pales in comparison to any pain that our nation feels from losing 50 lives, but I find the social media response to these kinds of events to be stressful. I can’t go on any website without a plethora of post written by people who think they know EXACTLY what caused this and how to fix it. The conversation

Honestly... This unsettles me and it hits closer to home than I’m used to. I’m Canadian, I enjoy being in Canada and the civil rights we have here. I’ve enjoyed a good bit of schadenfreude as American ‘Moral Majority’ activists have lost at most turn in their fight against LGBT rights. When the SCOTUS decision dropped