
Resilients/POC still checking for him after this are complicit in the continuing raping and devaluing of us.

Since there aren’t any you’ll be waiting a long ass time.

Peej and Champ do your thang! It’s beautiful to witness Resilients flourish.

Shame on players who willingly agree to be purchased in the first place and for such a paltry sum. The money will not stop state sanctioned gang members (the police) from murdering Resilients/POC without consequences. It won’t improve access to affordable quality healthcare; solve the disproportionate unemployment

I watched last season. Too much for my emotions also. I found out by reading PJ’s article The Mecca was part of the show. Had I known myself and my youngest daughter as Howard alumna would have watched.


Champ there is no correlation between experiencing the best year of your professional life, your health problems or IT becoming The Troll In Chief. Dealing with the blatant hatred of anyone not a straight mediocre non-melanated man is stressful. Build up your immunity against the shenanigans of the lack of melanin

Bravo Mr. Harriot. As is the norm for your articles it’s informative and insightful with artfully placed satire. You sir are gifted.

Don’t care about the ideology or the words they spew. Actions taken based on those beliefs is of utmost concern. Putting your hands on me or mine in a misguided defense of those beliefs at best will land you in the emergency room. During the time it will take you to recover you’ll be afforded time to think and

As a woman, a Howard alumna with a daughter who is also an alumna, I could not be more impressed by the co-captain’s statement. Her response re-focuses the reason for kneeling. The media has emphasized the protest being about disrespect of the flag. Resilient(Black) women have always been on the forefront of every

You’re doing it for your own peace of mind because she’s your mother and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Cause when it’s all said and done you know you did right by her.

Love your mother from a distance. You cannot change people. Only thing you can change is how you choose to deal with them. It’s your mother. She loves you and you love her. You honor her and mitigate your pain by loving her from a distance. You will one day be able to extend grace and mercy to her regardless of her

We’re the real Christians. We know we need God’s grace.

Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

The flag has not lived up to the promise it claims is for all it’s citizens. Quite the contrary. In the interim may I suggest you educate yourself. Familiarize yourself with The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Read books on the history and origin of this country. Perhaps it will provide you with facts in order

I’ve been a resident of Crazytown since I was 11. Thank God for my late parents for listening and taking me seriously. Resilients to this day are not gung ho on seeking assistance for mental health. My parents were never asleep having been part of the mass migration north from the segregated south. My late mother was

Thank you Mr. Harriot for your on point analysis. Resilients/POC cannot be racist. We do not control any of the tools or systems of oppression. Systems designed by the minority white people for their benefit dictates our entire existence. The hue of our skin determines where we live, work, earn and a myriad of other

How bout she goes back to her people’s country. This was Native American’s home before Europeans “discovered” it. Resilient’s free labor made it possible for this country to leap ahead the rest of the world. The enslaved did not come here willingly.

The sighers will get over it. You’ve got your priorities in order. Live your life and live it well.

The end of something means the beginning of something else. In your case it means no more dual lives. You are one with yourself. Imop it’s exciting.