“...let it go. Going through a divorce is enough for me to deal with.”
“...let it go. Going through a divorce is enough for me to deal with.”
The way you get your partner will be the way you lose your partner.
26. You believe when the largest gang in America AKA the police pulled you over, handcuffed you face down on the ground they were only doing their job.
Don’t delude yourself believing the U.S. is the only country Resilients and POC are the genesis of whiteness. The “N” word arguably may be American (It’s been exported) however the sentiment is universal. In other countries Resilients and POC serve the exact same purpose for white people - validation of themselves.…
45's presidency is more damaging than any rebellion (defined as a“riot” by the unenlightened and willfully ignorant) Resilients/POC has ever been associated. It’s breath reeks of the decaying souls entombed in their lack of melanin bodies. I choose to refer to descendants of the various colorful hues of Africa…
There are several professional athletes who hail from Howard University. Caylin Newton should stay at Howard. it will not harm his chance of playing in the NFL if that’s his goal. HBCUs fill you up in places you didn’t know were empty. My youngest daughter and I are Howard alumna. HU! You Know!
Excellent article. More light needs to shown on domestic violence within our communities. It let’s women know they are not alone and have nothing to be ashamed of. Abuse is not only physical. It’s mental, financial, emotional and terroristic in nature. The center’s holistic one-stop approach is critical. Abused women…
Excellent on point article. They are dangerous. Engage them as you would anything lethal. Don’t worry about offending them. They won’t notice.
Brandi while you’re obsessing over their business they’re not giving you a thought. Let them live their lie on social media. He’s not your problem anymore. Forgive yourself for once being his benefactor. Once you achieve that you’ll be released from the mental prison you’ve created. Your child’s needs come first. She…
Uncle Charles Rucckus Barkley please report to the Resilient Reprogramming Center. There you will be inoculated against the Euro virus. You will remain there until you obtain full immunity against white peoples’ thoughts or opinions of Resilients/POC. Upon release you will be free from basing your actions on the euro…
As a Howard alum I applaud the university’s response. I also thank the Baby Bison’s for not shanking those darth beckies with their horns. You demonstrated exactly what 45's supporters do not have;proper home training and a functioning brain.
Thank you Yesha for reminding us it’s important for our mental health to step away from the constant assaults on our collective psyche. We should never allow ourselves to forget how being young, gifted and Resilient is exceptional.
PJ I can’t imagine how hurtful it is being the son of a mother who denies the reality of their children’s lives. Know in your heart and soul you did/will do whatever’s necessary for your children and your own well being. You cannot change people only the way you choose to react to them. No matter who those people…
I don’t care about their dermatology problems of him and his ilk. Their genes are weak and susceptible to all kinds of communicable diseases. I care they keep it among themselves. Blankets Europeans infected with small pox and happily gave to Native Americans as a sign of friendship. Need I say more? They’re dangerous…
My late mother’s name was Betty and no whiteness crossed her threshold. She and my dad were part of the great migration north from the segregated south. They were never asleep. Therefore neither are their children. They inoculated us early against them. I’m literally immune to their shenanigans. I give zero fucks…
Inside me head. It’s impenetrable to their shenanigans.
You knocked it out the box Danielle. Too bad the people it’s directed toward won’t see themselves is your on point words. After all, they’re the good ones. The irony is everything isn’t about them but this article is.
As serious as a heart attack. Resilients are not here to give you absolution. Must we do everything for you?
TEACH THEM. I approve of this message.