I Cannot Remember Passwords

Your scenario re: representing a spouse wouldn’t even be an issue in many of the states where they ban sex with clients, because those states makes exceptions for spouses. You’re allowed to represent your spouse, and the ban doesn’t apply to those situations. The ban also doesn’t apply to relationships where the

You can’t remember, because you didn’t take it. From what you’ve articulated, you’re in no way a lawyer.

It was covered in contracts, but if you can’t remember it clearly doesn’t exist.

Yes. There is a need. Many valid and important reasons for the ban have been previously stated in this thread. You can keep yourself from having sex with clients. It’s not difficult.

Many states do. There’s also caselaw that establishes that losing a job is not an excuse for not reporting when required to do so. But, again, stuff everyone who went to law school learns.

Sex with clients is always tested on the MPRE. You go over it and over it in prep courses. Any person who went to law school knows that.

That’s called being a lawyer. You’re required to report ethical violations and certain criminal activity even if it means losing your job.

All lawyers have to take the MPRE, so, yes, yes, they do know it. It’s tested on the MPRE.

The lawyer is still responsible for the legal decisions made. Regarding the legal decisions, the lawyer has that power, and the lawyer is bound by ethical guidelines. If the lawyer is legitimately being harassed, then there are steps s/he can take to report it and request permission to withdraw from the case.

And it’s not difficult to chose to keep clients off the list of people to bone.

A lawyer is held to a higher ethical standard. If you’re a good tax lawyer, you should be able to discern when your client is being manipulative in order to get you to do something illegal. You should see what is being requested is illegal. If you’re having an inappropriate sexual relationship with that client, you’re

Yes. Because lawyers are required to follow the ethical guidelines set by their jurisdiction, and they are held to a higher ethical standard when it comes to legal work as they’re the licensed professionals. Those lawyers possess the ability to report any unwanted or inappropriate sexual advances from clients, and

And that power the client has plus sex could ptotenially persuade the lawyer to do unethical or illegal things for his/her client. We don’t want that any more than we want a poor client to be taken advantage of by his/her lawyer.

Yes. If the CEO regularly consults with the attorney re: legal matters of the organization.

There’s a major issue, because the attorney is still in control and responsible for the legal decisions made on the case. It doesn’t have to be a public defender/indigent client type of relationship for there to still be a power dynamic. Also, you don’t want a lawyer being manipulated by sex with his/her client to do

I, too, am SO sick of that term. I’ve only seen #girlboss used by “business owners” who are really nothing more than paid consultants for a MLM scam company like Beachbody, Rodan & Fields, Lularoe, Younique, etc.

Give her the money she’d get for it at a resale shop. If it’s from Macy’s, it appears to be about $75 new. Tell her you want to keep it because you like it so much, so you’re going to give her the resale amount. Maybe she’ll tell you just to keep it.

When you possibly get another opportunity to do something great in your career, and the move would stunt his career, then you’re back in the same spot. He’s already shown you how he would react to a scenario like that. He didn’t go with you. He didn’t choose you and the relationship. It’s completely fine that he chose

If he wasn’t saying something they liked, they wouldn’t be voting for him. I bet if you dig deep enough, they fit into one of the categories I mentioned. Being college educated doesn’t exempt you from falling into any of those categories. Since they’re your friends, you’re probably doing exactly what the author of the

I wanted to explain my point more. I’m actually from an area similar to the author of the Cracked article. I know why he’s trying to find that non-deplorable Trump supporter, or explain away their antics. However, I personally think his article ignores reality; the reality that Trump supporters really do fall into