Air fryer. Game changer for liking more vegetables without the time and effort of doing it in the oven. Roast all the things...that aren’t big and leafy, fry those!
Air fryer. Game changer for liking more vegetables without the time and effort of doing it in the oven. Roast all the things...that aren’t big and leafy, fry those!
There are 19 Hooters in the state of Florida.
This is among the best and most informative writing I’ve seen on Lifehacker or any similar outlet, bar none. Thank you.
“reaching so hard for something that’s just not there.”
Dammit, Tomato, I’m starting to like you.
Bad storytelling is made worse with bad sentences and Paris is a minefield of try-hard metaphors (“The endless school day felt like being waterboarded with a vanilla milkshake”; “Time slipped out of joint, like a dislocated shoulder”; “People broke into that house like it was a Cadbury Crème Egg”)
André, who does whip-its to “reduce his anxiety,” told the publication at SXSW.
I agree with everything you said, and largely echo your feelings about it. Mr. Beast’s antics absolutely have the effect of reminding me, or bringing to my attention, what’s wrong with the distribution (or hoarding) of resources in this world. And Mr. Beast monetizing it feels tacky. But I’m not mad at the guy, and…
I still don’t get why MrBeast is the problem, instead of a symptom of the problem. You don’t need to think that he is a great human doing great things, and I don’t believe he is asking anyone to see him as selfless or heroic.
“Yes, he’s ‘helping’ people”
Jesus Christ, the worst? Really? Why the fuck are you guys acting like he’s the bad guy because they system sucks. FFS there are far worse ways to make your money than helping other people. Fuck anyone who works for a nonprofit as a job, they are just helping people for their own enrichment!
The insistence of journalists saying “late stage capitalism” is grating-- especially if you’re the type of journalist who is upset about “SAT words” like macabre.
“No, I’m quite certain there’s always been a Thursday Addams.”
I know this is very uncool, but I like Rachael Ray. Her taco pasta recipe sounds stupid, but it’s delicious.
Y’all fell asleep on the sainted Dave Grohl cooking meats for the homeless in L.A.
Everyone keep a close eye on her so the moment that she becomes too popular or too lauded we can rip her apart for being fake, for pretending to be clumsy, and for being annoying instead of silly. We’ll get her. We just need to make sure her pedestal is tall enough first. [twirls fake mustache]
And Angela Bassett herself got in on it last night!
Kudos! This reminded me of Ye Olde Tymes Jezebel. Clearly tongue-in-cheek and snarky, but not too snarky, humor.
So, just fuck people who can't carry for whatever reason?
No judgment here, Kady. Anyone spending $30k on a branded bag is better off without that $30k. The fraudster will probably spend it more wisely, even if it goes to lap dances and fashion drugs.