
This hurts my brain, but here we go:

Yes, this! Also, it can make for good conversation if you let someone tell you stuff that they like and you haven't seen. It's really not necessary that you both are a 100% up to date.

I'm with you, bro.

Ah yes, I've been wanting to watch it for a while now.

I looked into Terriers, sounded kinda cool. Then saw it was cancelled after one season, why?

SAY WHAT… Please enlighten me, how that could ever be worth my time. (Even though, as a Dutch person… I do feel kinda proud when Dutch products get picked up at other parts of the world… even if it's reality TV)

That sounds cewl

Black Mirror is just.. something else. I fucking loved every bit of it.

+1 for not using any periods

In order to survive the coming weeks I'd like to pose a question: what are your recent TV discoveries worth watching? Could be anything recent or a bit older.


Comment to self: read the fucking rules first you dipshit. The answer is no.

Can I also participate from outside the U.S.?

Shows are ranked against themselves, not on some kind of objective inter-comparable scale

Did she take a side in that? Do you know what she said about it?

You're absolutely right, but I still wonder where they get the clothes from and would be totally interested in a Tom&Lorenzo recap per episode!

Well, well, well, what do we have here? Another sad fellow that has yet to discover the Godfather movies. And there I was, thinking that I was the last person in the universe to not have seen them.

What an episode!! I enjoyed every moment of it :) A+ for me!

WTF just saw this episode and what on earth is wrong with people actually in charge of this show? Why does Michaela freak out when she finds out her boyfriend had a little guy on guy action back in the days? The freaking out seems quite homophobic to me. Then, she doesn't even consider the possibility of him being

Olivia is all the way at the bottom of this list crying and drinking 'cheap' wine?