
What is the video behind the hyperlink at "really dance"?

I've been wondering that as well!

Yes, especially in relation to the cause of death of her child. If the kid drowned, I can see why Alison doesn't like swimming as much as she used to.

Why is there no regular coverage on Last Week Tonight? I'm profoundly frustrated by this and will retreat myself to bed and cry. Thank you A.V. Club for ruining my life!!11!!1

The Good Wife is the heroine of television.

Masters of Sex?

Why do so many people assume Libby must be mad at Virginia because of the affair? To me it seems Libby is not jealous at all (of the sexual stuff), she probably knows Bill would be a lot more difficult without Virginia in his life. It was never a real passionate marriage in which the both of them connected on that

What's up with all the 'season' reviews where only one episode is watched?

It really tied the ro.. season together.

As a Dutch person, I'll have to upvote your comment. Biking is the best way to get to work if you live in a high density area!

I was reading the comments, when after a while, I scrolled down to try to read the comments. I suppose I forget the comments are not the main article.

There's still quite a bit of rock around, a lot of bands and a decent amount of rock fans. They just don't become famous anymore.

For a moment there I did picture a unicorn having a talk with you and your wife. But I couldn't quite figure out what kind of voice it could have and then I remembered you're not actually talking about unicorns.

Classic case of the S01E01.

Eventually, it all comes down to Africa.

Who invited Moon Moon to the party?

Actually the neck thing is promising, a much better indicator of her willingness to engage in further physical activities than mouth kissing. I would recommend you start touching the lower parts of her body next time you guys are neck kissing, earlobe sucking or grinding during elevator kisses.

I think the British have a fine word that describes this album: unlistenable.

Monogamish, perhaps?