
Let's not start Arendt here about the banality of evil.

I did not get the DankTodd reference. Now I feel old.

I feel like such a horrible, horrible person, but 10 seconds in I'm like… I'd TOTALLY watch the XXX version of this!

Oh my, this episode made me feel all the feels. I haven't enjoyed New Girl this much in a long time. I just fell in love all over again. Some of the reasons:
- the Keepers of the Five Secrets;
- the La Cucaracha doorbell and Schmidt's (initial) reaction;
- the political workings of the loft voting process;
- Jess's

That's true, but growing pot is still very much illegal in the Netherlands.

Are you myself from the future?

For some reason I read the 'I am Matilda' part to the rhythm of 'I am the walrus'.

I was able to Shazam it ^^

Did you just make this story up? It's okay, you can tell me. I'll keep my mouth shut.

Is there a sort of comment filibuster equivalent? Where we just non stop continue on commenting and eventually AV Club is forced to start reviewing cool shows again?

The eye has 99 problems, but aim ain't one of them.

BUT WHAT ABOUT THAT CAL THEORY THEN?? Pardon my caps lock, I just saw the episode and I'm still very psyched.

It kind of depends on your gender/age, though. The hunting grounds generally get better over time for guys and less rainbowy for women. In any case it would be a good idea to:
- take care of your health. This includes going to the dentist, wearing sunscreen & staying at least moderately in shape.
- take care of your

Yes, this! The whole look, feel and sound of that scene felt a lot like Interview with the vampire to me.


Upvoted for the compliment @Hale.

Any suggestions? I'm always interested in fresh content on IG/Twitter etc.

Upvoted for name/article synergy.

Ah thanks for the info. As a fun side note: a couple of years ago I was visiting the Caribbean island Curaçao (now officially its own country within the kingdom of the Netherlands), and it was really very strange to be able to pay with guilders again.