
I'm suffering from AV Club anxiety as well

Did anyone else feel that Leslie and Ben, as they stepped into the elevator, where on their way to the Knope for Govenor candidacy announcement?

I thought Alana said she's lactose tolerant as well!

Does anyone know why the community grades were removed in the first place?

I hope this comment does not get deleted, but in my Dutch high school there were a brother and sister named 'N*ggerball'. True story.

This, my friend, is easy. Sally Langston is BATSHIT CRAZY and Fitz is actually just a regular guy (don't we all spend 99% of our time thinking about our sex lives, aren't we all 1% of our times being a dick to our significant other and aren't we all spending 0% of our time working as president?). And so, Fitz it iz,

Actually I do have something to say about the reviews of OUAT, because they really aren't representing the show in any way. Every time I see the grades OUAT gets I'm annoyed, because they are way to high! In what world is OUAT hovering around a B, whilst so many shows that are actually good are also hovering around B?

Uhh yes!! I recently saw the Pokemon episode about a beauty pegeant. That was horribly inappropriate for any minor - and dare I say, anyone in the world ever. Granted, this episode never made it to the US precisely because of that.

Yep. That seems about right.

Yes!! How come Lie To Me was discontinued? HOW COME?? I would chip in all seasons of Heroes (after the first) and all seasons of True Blood (after the first) for just one new episode of Lie To Me. Shit is unfair yo.

I'm right there with you, sir.

Nice piece! This is my theory on the Dutch skating success: next to the general popularity of the sport, I also believe the Dutch physical appearance has something to do with our success. We are taller than (almost?) any country in the world and known for having big upper legs. Whilst this is an annoyance for a lot of

And they're twins.. TWINS!!

Actually I got Shirley Manson:
You’re very in touch with your dark side, and unashamed to be a hedonist. But just because you’re willing to be a bit decadent doesn’t mean you’re not in full control over your life.

First of all, I agree. Secondly, love your pic!

That was the first thing that popped into my mind as well!

Here's another instance where I really don't get the AVclub grades. After reading this review I was expecting a grade certainly no better than a 'C'. Also, pleeeeaaase bring back the community grades!

As stated earlier, 'The Wire' is indeed on my list. Saw 'Six Feet Under' a couple of years ago, it's an awesome show! Currently watching 'The Soprano's'. It turns out that older HBO shows are perfect for summer, when the fresh stream of TV suddenly dries up. (Except for True Blood maybe, but eh, does that really count

Watch 'The Wire'. Please, don't shoot.