
Thanks for the advice. Is it as mood-killing as "The Passion of the Christ"? Because I have to admit I gave up watching that film after like 5 mins.

"- Would Carrie even be allowed at his execution? Don’t they forbid women to do anything and to go anywhere there?"

Thank you. Now I don't have to watch the film anymore.

I'm going with New Girls' episode "Cooler". Or maybe just THE KISS. I think it will liven up people's hearts and can truly be an inspiration for anyone anywhere kissing anytime.

Yes, I thought the Waldo episode was a bit off. The other episodes kind of give off an activistic vibe, whereas Waldo just seems to say that there's no hope either way. Or something. Or maybe I'm just totally missing the point.

Probably not the only one, but you're the first person I saw complaining about the order of the verses. I kind of get your point though.

I love Bowie & Crosby's "Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth" as well! Unfortunately it is not available on Spotify, where I made an extensive Christmas playlist to listen to over and over again.

Anyones in particular you would recommend?

What series would make your top 10 then?

I agree with roare actually. Piper is meant as an uncomfortable character, someone that you might identify with but probably not particularly like. As Rowan Kaiser stated in a newer comment, Piper only gets a real persona at the end of the season. I did in fact struggle with Piper when watching this show, but in

I have literally seen none of these movies… But I suppose that's not a bad thing with the Christmas holiday coming up.

One of the most frustrating storylines for me was Lillian Depaul's. After the confession that she does in fact suffer from cancer herself, it really did grow on me though. Still, I feel like a smart person like Depaul would not be that stupid with regards to her position in the hospital and how to better that or work

And so the epic Dutch campaign for GoT domination continues…

Black Mirror season 1 and 2: LOVE IT! Grade: A+

Don't you think that's a bit unfair :p

A, for this is really a very unsettling episode



"We got Poped!"

Yes!! Rachel's been such an frustrating character to watch for me. I think the show lost most of its magic by the end of last season, but there's Louis and Donna that I still really do enjoy. Actually there isn't an episode that I don't at least at one moment think 'I have to stop watching this show, cannot watch