Dave Myers

“Gaven him”? Do you guys over at Gawker need more editors? Because every “article” that goes up on any of your properties looks like it hasn’t been proofread by anyone. I have a basic grasp of English grammar and spelling, and you can hire me cheap. I only work remotely.

LOL - #1 Best Seller in Hair Rollers, according to the product page on Amazon.

LOL - #1 Best Seller in Hair Rollers, according to the product page on Amazon.

Hotel industry employee here, can confirm - stars mean nothing, from AAA or otherwise. I’m not even sure anyone on our property knows what our star rating is for any of the systems, and we’re a “name brand” hotel.

Even within the same brand / company, quality can vary from location to location, as many older hotels

This site regularly features user desktops that include apps like that for desktop customization. This piece is a weekly round-up of all the software covered on Lifehacker in the past week. Since they didn’t cover Rainmaker this week, it wouldn’t be appropriate in this list. You could probably submit it as a tip with

Double-check your account. Mine says I have student again but says unless I provide documentation they’re going to charge me the full $99 when it runs out in October.

Renewing Amazon Prime Student requires both confirmation of your student email address AND proof that you’re currently enrolled (it listed several options like your bill for that term, a student ID (must have term or expiration date on it), transcript for the current semester, etc.). Not sure if the initial sign-up

The concierge levels were always the best part about staying at a Marriott, mostly because free food and the honor bar. You could make a few stiff drinks and then put a guestimate for price on your room tab, make the company pay for it. Now I’m just sad that the hotel I work at doesn’t have an honor bar. I probably

Heads in Beds was a great book, especially for me working at a hotel as a night auditor right now. I can confirm this “trick” works as long as their are upgrades available. When we’re sold out, we’re not switching out someone who paid for a better room for your nice tip.

That said, Udemy and Stack Social usually have deals going on, and while it’s usually specific courses on sale in bundles, they’ve recently had a sale on $10 any* course and that happens pretty frequently. Read the reviews on the courses first. Also check out Codecademy and Lifehacker’s own Night School series on

It’s also worth checking with your employer if you think there’s a chance they might do tuition reimbursement or certification / training reimbursement if they can relate it back to your current job. I’ve had bosses before where just self-improvement / professional development was all the reason I needed. You have to

A couple of important things to remember (source: http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/can-…):

Serve it as soon as it’s been cooked initially, don’t leave it out at room temperature, and then if you can’t finish it the first time (which, as most people said, we always make too much) cool it quickly in the fridge, and ideally

As a hotel employee, I can tell you that typically it just doesn’t matter. It’s a small amount of hassle for us to check you in / out but not like “OMG this guest is terrible!” and we especially don’t mind doing it for people with top-tier status (if you’re bottom rung, we’ll do it if you’re nice and don’t fling your

I enjoy checking out /r/fullmoviesonyoutube or /r/fullmoviesonanything to find movies, and I believe there's similar subreddits for TV shows. They generally point you in the direction of where to stream something you're looking for - when I can't find it on my go-to streaming sites, I usually check there.

I was in Florida on a business trip and we went to this super nice restaurant, and I saw/met John Cena (of WWE fame) and from afar the best I could muster was "HOLY SHIT IS THAT JOHN CENA!?!" over and over again until finally the valet said "Yes, that is Mr. Cena, now be cool, man."

100% agree with this comment: you have to be super proactive if you don't want to end up feeling like your friends are just discounting your involvement because of your night time sleep schedule. Also, if your friends and you are both bad at initiating contact, you have to be proactive about reaching out and making

Wish I could delete my own comments. Oh well.

I'm in the mountains in NC just above and west of you then. We see 3-4 snows a winter, not enough to buy snow tires or chains really, but I don't live up on a mountain like a lot of folks I've worked with in the past do. Always made me sad when they'd call out of work because they couldn't get down their driveway for

What part of the south are you in? We have plenty of salt and trucks with snow plows. We salt the road *before* the weather so it doesn't stick and once it falls so much it sticks anyway the trucks come through from the DOT. It's usually asshats in SUVs trying to get out and buy ingredients for their milk sandwiches

Broke sometimes means no money at all, not always "I'm low on funds but I have a spare $100 lying around."

Broke sometimes means no money at all, not always "I'm low on funds but I have a spare $100 lying around."