There's no delete button. I'm not sure what your reply means.
There's no delete button. I'm not sure what your reply means.
Delete this comment. I'm deciding not to get involved in this mess.
No, he means dropping off the truck in a different U-Haul location within the same first city. That's why it's complicated. You're taking a round trip with the truck but dropping it off at a different location in the same city.
Ice, Hazelnut coffee creamer, robust / strong / arabica or other dark roast coffee. Tastes better to me than any iced coffee from the chains and free for me at work. And since I work as a night auditor at a hotel, this also might make a good hotel hack.
I'm sorry, that's pretty fair. It only pops up on Lifehacker usually when it's cross-posted from other properties. My apologies.
This post is like 10+ days old, so I'm pretty late to this convo. It's worth considering that to a lot of the world, gender is a spectrum and not a binary. At any rate, we know that a lot of the world still operates in "this is for men" and "this is for women" terms. Other than the conversation in this post, I'm not…
Protect yourself. Learn to shop at reputable retailers and take proper steps to protect your identity. Change your passwords often. Don't save your credit card for "convenience" on sites that offer it, type it in *each time.* Most credit card companies also offer disposable numbers you can use for one-off purchases…
A step better: don't key it to your face. Key it to a particular picture, one not in the same room. Photos of dead relatives you don't want to look at often are a good choice.
This is a great preventative technology for self-defense from being drugged. It also shows that we're still a culture of "watch out for being raped" like we say "carry an umbrella, it might rain," rather than a culture of "DON'T RAPE ANYONE." Still, it's good to be prepared - but we should be clear that it's still not…
Haha, I always say it's the lettuce of booze. It's the "make any drink alcoholic" alcohol, and all it should do is add the "booze" modifier to a regular drink.
My download and install went fine. I tried to play "Counting Stars," and it never loaded. I clicked on "Top 100 Playlist" and it crashed. Repeatedly crashes every time I open it and click "Top 100 Playlist." Seems like a large item in the UI to crash with an "uncaught exception" and no exit button once an exception…
I actively never allow read receipts to be sent back to the sender. People are adults, there's no reason they need to know when I read their emails or if I read them at all, unless a reply is required. Then, they should be adult enough to escalate communication mediums as appropriate to the relationship and…
I'm familiar with the STAR story-telling technique, and I prepared 15 stories based on this infographic *today* for a phone interview. I was apparently a little more prepared than was expected. I only ended up using 3 of the stories, but it was nice to be ready. Thanks for posting this.
Is there a similar approach I can take as a work-at-home employee who doesn't get into the office much because it's in Florida?
I would really, really love to try this. We don't have insurance though, and we live in a very small rural town in the mountains. I guess we'll keep waiting, much like we have to wait on the chemistry to get worked out for effective depression meds that don't have side effects that make us depressed, lol.
Communication is a two-way street. If you practice taking the opposing viewpoint, you can reduce the difficulty and anxiety that sometimes arises when trying to truly communicate with others. (For example, knowing what your significant other really means when she says she's too tired to talk.) Developing empathy helps…
In the south we also get folks that say things like "awl" instead of "oil." My grandpa used to ask for a warsh rag to clean his hands and face. Also, no idea where that whole use of the word "Cotton" as slang for "tolerate / like / abide" came from, as in "We don't cotton to your type around here." Ah, racism.
Yeah, I gotta go with both are correct. Although I'm from the South in the US and I still learned to pronounce words by their spelling (did a lot of reading), and so I ended up learning it with the "T" sound.
Is it CRAZY? Is it so INSANELY priced that we'd be NUTS not to buy it right now? Would it in fact, be MENTALLY UNSTABLE for us to instead put that money towards a THESAURUS to help us come up with less LAZY adjectives than evoking mental illness when what we really mean to say is RIDICULOUSLY, AMAZINGLY, AWESOMELY,…
Right, and having also read them, I wanted to make sure it was clear - because from the Lifehacker introduction, you'd think all you needed to do was not spend money and hold on to it forever in case something happens. All you'd really wind up with in that case is money that buys a whole lot less.