I am, in fact great at parties as I keep everyone safe and logically correct.
That male cheerleader just ran through the Ohio state football team, the ducks should see if he can transfer at halftime
Little known fact, but Andre Rison met Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes on matches.com
Except that depicting images of the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), is incredibly offencive to all muslims, even us regular old peacful ones.
Or get rid of the elitist attitude. You are the perfect example as to why that community sucks balls.
Spacing is when you move your character or place your attacks in ways that keep your character safe.
Zoning isn't any more or less important in Smash than in any other fighting game, though. It's pretty much the basis for high level play in all fighting games.
I've been officially burned. Well done.
So it went something like this.... Omari: "Look at me, I'm a big time hacker." *arrested* "It wasn't me guys, I swearz!"
As the managing attorney for the beardy in the lead photo, I wish to point out that my client has had no association with any "Squad" in the past, nor does he maintain one at this time.
That he is a lizard should be self-evident—but my client maintains that he does not now, nor has he ever been able to operate a…
I think his entire posts deserve the [citation needed]
So basically, in short, they're a bundle of cunts.
More like Not-so-slenderman
If you're a gay man, there's no point in beating around the bush, cause there isn't any! Hah!