
Oh hey, this is the dude that ran around bragging he kept a “binder of every single drug dealer who has been arrested in our state” saying it was 90% Hispanic or African American.

Look, another snarky reply with questionable punctuation and misused and omitted words.

So if CNN is a “fake news network,” was the guy REALLY blowing pot smoke?

Clarke is lucky. In Twitter jail, it will be impossible for him to die of dehydration/thirst or withheld medication, as four human beings did when under Clarke’s oversight in the horrific, obnoxious disaster that is the Milwaukee County Jail.

Hey there Clarke? Y’all know that this kinda shit ain’t gonna make Daddy Trump like you. I mean, he sez he likes you an all, but we all can see why he really don’t.

The left did not “cede” am talk radio to the right. Thousands of stations across the country were bought up by Clear Channel and Bain Capital over the ten or twelve years following the Telecommunications Act of 1996. They in turn fired left wing talkers - and even moderate talkers (remember call-in psychologists and

We’re intolerant of their intolerance. Which is intolerable to them.

Is she though? She seems to be doing a lot of “people think I meant bad things” instead of demonstrating any sort of self-awareness as to how or why people might take issue with her previous statements.

You’re supposed to pay $100 a pill for that! You’re stealing rights out of Martin Shkreli’s pock, you monster!

Yep, that’s the way the capitalist cookie crumbles! If you wanna go mainstream, you gotta scale, and scaling to meet market demand always means Big [Insert Product Name Here]. The Big Pot lobbyists will take up their usual positions outside congresspeople’s doorways. Big Pot advertising has already gotten its tacky

I remember one time that I had a marijuana, and then got wasted on it. I was so wasted that I didn’t say no when he offered me another marijuana. I didn’t say no, because I was already dead

Brian Kilmeade is the dumbest FoxNews host not named Steve Doocy.

“Illegal immigrants aren’t immigrants. It’s right in the name, but don’t pay attention to that part. Illegal. Pay attention to that. Illegal. Obama. Obamacare. Obamacare subsidies. Angry enough yet? Hillary Hussein Obama’s illegal Obamacare deep state abortion subsidy emails.” 

And I could argue that he threatened bodily harm to journalists who don’t align with his views.

^ does not know how greys work.

On the twitters and angry MAGA dude was bringing up why libtards weren’t angry when Clinton called for the bombing of Assange. I nicely pointed out there’s no evidence to support she did, and got insta blocked but not after watching MAGA dude call others snowflakes.

All right wing insults seem to boil down to

But if you did you could sell it for six bucks a gallon. Just saying.

There are many videos online where cops from Europe show American cops how to do things, and they are just totally shocked in disbelief that a cop can trust the person this much, its Europe, dont call a American cop bad because maybe its hard to be a cop there who knows,

Yeah, it sounds like the intended target gave the swatter a wrong address -the victim’s, some random guy unconnected to what was going on.

I’m saddened by how many of us expected this shit eventually, but the article makes it sound like the dead guy wasn’t even involved in the COD match. Poor bastard.....