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Why are you surprised? Isn’t finding bugs exactly what betta testing is for?
Joe should show up like a boss to the next debate with a Gucci purse and matching mask.
I am going to be one of those idiots saying “Red ___ Standing By” on voice chat at the start of every match. I apologize in advance.
Also idk if any of yall watched the 2-part miniseries on Comey on Showtime but I was actually pretty impressed with it. If for no other reason than how it paints Trump, and how cowardly everyone around him was and remain.
Saw this on twitter. Really puts this dude’s whole image in to context.
Nah, I want Trump to lose the election, and have a very long and healthy life. All his debt is due in the next four years.
Good one. Staten Island: NYC’s only red borough!
It is interesting. Trump himself, as far as I have heard, has never said anything about a peaceful transition. The closest I have heard is “We’ll see.” This man has been told by various Chiefs of Staff that some of his desired policies are unconstitutional. He has blamed Obama for ripping children from their parents…
Leopards eating faces, etc.
If he were holding the rope at a lynching he’d be doing it while claiming that he single handedly was lowering black unemployment.
It could even be related indirectly, in that it suggests a government willing to acknowledge the crisis and try to address it.
Tuna is expensive. The police should show more appreciation for the support.
Those things are everywhere but you don’t notice it because they’re invisible like their bigger sibling the Highlander. I learned this after Harvey took both our cars (along with every other new/used car in the Houston market) and we ended up buying a well-maintained but boring ‘05 Highlander. Once we were driving…
Andrew: “Tokyo Xtreme is good.”
Why get an Xbox if you have a PC that can play their exclusives?
I’ll say it, Venture Bros is the single best animated show ever made. It’s better than Rick and Morty, it’s better than Archer. It is perfect because it never descended into low quality rushed content. Every second is flawless. And, I’m really going to miss it.