
A cellphone and a TV remote.

So by Trump’s reckoning, the fact that a few people do win the lottery totally negates the millions of people who lose money on it annually, and proves it’s a great idea to invest your life savings buying powerball tickets.

Long-term survival as a species: I say we make breathing a partisan issue.

I hate that science is now a partisan issue. Dems need to pick some well-established science to argue against just to keep up with the stupid. I say we dismiss gravity.

The man is an idiot savant at self promotion to a very specific demographic. But otherwise I agree - he has a particular set of simple tricks, if they can be called that (self projecting his own faults, berserker-level self confidence, bald-faced lying) and when they don’t work he just keeps trying them harder and

Or just do what Gawker does. Put users in the gray and let other users do the work for you.

“In addition to the border points of entry, California has an additional eight inland Border Patrol checkpoints within the government’s “100-mile border zone.”

you played yourself

I actually have a decent command of Spanish so I just assumed that Google saw I had visited a Spanish language page. Weird that it’s just for everyone.

Yeah its this thing he does a lot.....lie.

They’ve firmly bought into the idea that “pissing off Democrats” = “sound policy”.

The WORST GADGET was the Pivot to Video.


Plenty of us understand BC and don’t like it. Mainly because it’s both a fad and a scam. There is no intrinsic value, there is not much use for it outside of money laundering or purchasing black market products.

I’ve been seeing the political side of this, with the anti-net neutrality/deregulation people first hand and my goodness is it hilarious.

“Verizon, Other ISPs Won’t Say How Badly They Plan to Fuck You Over Now”

This is brilliant. I roared laughter at the Kojima picture. Love everything about this.

You’re just embarrassed this whole time you didn’t realize Zelda was the boy. It’s ok to be wrong and not know things, don’t worry about it!

This is very dumb and it makes me very happy.