
“He’s a kid, probably never been on TV before. If he had, he probably hadn’t been on more than a couple of times, probably never been on TV in a situation that was that intense with that much going on.”

My penis breast could use some exspand though, now that he mentions it.

Do you think the fraudulent use of Budget Reconciliation so the Senate does not have to gain the required 60 votes to pass a law is democratic?

Oh go fuck yourself. We have watched the GOP gerrymander themselves into power and the donor-class buy their legislation for decades. This isn’t about partisanship, it is about the undermining of our Republic. And I am not saying the bill is undemocratic (it is though, generally) - I said the process was. That it is

Tell him it’s Obama’s idea.

Oh yeah, you had Rep. Chris Collins saying his donors ‘are basically saying, ‘Get it done or don’t ever call me again’” and Graham saying that they have to pass it or “contributions will stop.”

The pee tape dropping between now and Wednesday morning. At which point Pence would just sign it anyway.

They don’t have to care what anybody thinks except for their donors, who will benefit handily from this bill. And then when the bill doesn’t pay for itself (which won’t be a shock at all), it’ll automatically cut Medicare and taxes for you, me and everybody else who doesn’t have private jet money will go up. Medicare!

It will almost certainly be signed into law by President Donald Trump.

But it’s their death panel. Not a secret Muslim terrorist’s. good ol’ made in America death panels.

There’s your death panel Teabaggers.

“They had to get rid of Jar Jar Binks, because audiences loved him too much.”

The thing is Posobeic and Cernovich don’t actually believe it. They’re fully aware they peddle bullshit, as they get their marching orders to spread misinformation. Hell, half of the “Antifa” twitter accounts are run by rebel media and alt right/maga fools anyway. @rvawonk did a deep dive on them and the origin of

I was, and remain, skeptical that there is enough organization/numbers behind Antifa to make it worthy of the venom directed towards it, and the quotes you cited are not compelling evidence otherwise.

Illegitimate question.

Why the hell would “ANTIFA” sabotage a railway? They’re anti-fascists, and trains historically don’t vote Nazi, or... at all. What with being non-sentient hunks of steel and all that.

Counterpoint: transportation related; absolutely belongs on Jalopnik.

All bitcoin-realted jokes aside, revenue-first journalism in lieu of, say, facts-first journalism, is not a good look, and it’s disappointing that Univision thinks that is the direction to go. “We’re going to make money first, report responsibly and accurately second. Go team!”

I would think the Talibannon Fundamentalists from Breitbartistan would be gleeful over this; anything to stoke their confused narrative of being the “Winning Victims”.

Ohhh... They just increased the odds that Trump will try to fire Mueller.