
More like “MAKE it fail.”

Couldn’t get the votes to kill it? Then “let it fail.”

The Vatican censored Galileo but he was still right.

Yeah, I’d say it amounts to the same thing.
I’d never try to say that my experience constitutes a rule but, as a designer for the past two decades, the only “creative” right-wingers I’ve come across, actually had no talent and were put into creative positions through nepotism rather than any actual suitability for the

Thank God that the Trumpster has eliminated that evil “political correctness” in our time. No longer will we have to be worried we are gonna say things that offend others.

How effective will this be since there are other words for these things? 

It’s all projection with these idiots. That is why they get triggered so much. I am sure you can guess why they say cuck as often as they do.

I think he’s watched the opening of Scarface far too many times, which touches on the Mariel Boatlift, wherein a large percentage of refugees from Cuba who were allowed to leave were from jails and mental institution. He can’t see the distinction between a) refugees, and b) a fucking movie.

It’s funny how the people doing the biggest pissing and moaning are the ones throwing around the “snowflake” pejoratives.

Okay, despite how serious the resurgence of toxic nationalism has been here in the US over the past couple of years, I gotta tell you—the history nerd in me snorted a little at that joke.

Thanks for bringing some levity.

MS-13 got real traction when immigrant kids who grew up in the US were deported. Since they were familiar with the US and could easily fit in, some were recruited as members of drug gangs and were sent back. If you wanted to create MS-13, widespread deportation is the way to do it.

Matt certainly has his right to protect his property, even though it’s now a symbol, now a hero, now an old meme, now a book, still an emote (on bttv)...

That doesn’t make Nazis suck any less.

80 years later and Nazis are still stealing art...

The dumbass is clearly you my friend. Pepe has been co oped by the Nazis. The only reason people play that game is to get their nazi emoticon. That’s what the image means now. It doesn’t matter what it used to mean. We all know what it used to mean. It’s been ruined and it’s just about being a bigot. Which I

I wonder how many times these alt right morons are gonna have to get copyright claimed before they realize they don’t actually own pepe the frog? I know it’s their mascot and all but they didn’t create it and it was never meant to be for them. I really feel bad for the creator. His character got turned into a hate

When the President, facing charges, impeachment, massive electoral losses, or a cerebral event a goes on TV and announces it’s time for all Real Americans to take to the streets & exercise their 2nd amendment rights to Make America Great Again and purge the thugs, illegals, Muslims & liberals, you know which side the

President Dangerfield gets no respeck, no respeck I tell ya [tugs collar, blots flopsweat]

It’s like he thinks his job as president is to do shitty stand-up comedy in front of insanely friendly crowds. Actually ... yeah, he probably does.

My favorite part about the internet, arm-chair parenting extrapolated from stray sentences without context.