
I’m half Korean. I look absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, full Korean. Raised in a white household as one of nine kids in a single income home in public housing, btw.

Most likely. He’s the gigantic douche. Like, he seemed too extremely douchy while standing next to bill o’reilly so that’s all you really need to know.

Lee asks a pertinent (and saddening) question: Can we really have constructive dialogue with people who are so entrenched in their “the barbarians are at the gates” worldview that they freak out over hearing a language other than (American) English spoken within US borders?

I mean, on some level, I understand the

Technically, more sodomy could correlate with fewer abortions. Maybe he could pick a side?

Just take the W, man. Just take it.



I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this

Holy shit. It was not fun watching Roy Moore hold a lead for the entire night. Though it was satisfying to have it reverse with less than 10% of precincts left. Huzzah for meeting some basic level of human decency in Alabama.

If this is the way he rides, imagine how he handles a gun. You probably don’t want to be anywhere around him at the range.

John Wayne was a guy who conveniently used his status as a single parent to get out of serving in WWII to further his acting career. While many other far more established stars, including Clark Gable and James Stewart, willing enlisted despite the fact they could have probably gotten our if it.

He’s a guy who doesn’t care about the pain of other human beings. He breaks sworn oaths to uphold the law. He molests children. He wasn’t even a competent judge. Why would we think he gives a shit about whether the horse is comfortable or whether he’s doing a good job riding it?

I’m sure he’ll never understand the implications of the fact that he felt he couldn’t possibly win by talking up tax cuts for the wealthy, and instead had to make a bald appeal to racism. It’s like he just admitted the entire rotten core of Republican electoral politics for the last 50 years and doesn’t even realize

To be fair to a state I spent over a decade of my life in: Virginia is surprisingly moderate on the whole while portions of VA (southwest, NoVa for the rich folks) will swing conservative, many areas are very liberal. Charlottesville (my home for many years) has A LOT of low key racism it needs to address, but is

Some people got exactly what they were voting for - someone who will mercilessly stick it to the libtards, no matter how much it costs them, personally. Those people will never abandon Trump.

Implying she offered sexual favors for campaign contributions. There’s that great respect he has for women. There is no bar low enough for trump.

oh man oh man oh man. Wow. Have a star you depraved bastard.

Nintendo is just upset because they thought of it first and didn’t get full credit for it.

Old school republicans haven’t quite caught on that any decent conservative left the party a long time ago.

After about the tenth retweet, I just started to assume something like this was true. It just reeks of scam from the start. If not a scam, then clueless parenting. I mean, if your kid is getting bullied at school, then posting a video online of them crying is definitely going to help them out right?