
I’ll admit, I was thinking the same thing. I barely use it anymore, and have my newsfeed pared down to the bare essentials like family and close friends. Twitter is pretty much only newsworthy people who’s opinions I value. And that’s pretty much it, aside from my Gawker Media addition...

Lying is like breathing to Trump, but he’s not good at it.

Fox is such a clear and present danger to our democracy. Their propaganda could make North Korea blush.

Maybe you can point us all to the part of this that was accidental?

But if they accidentally lobotomized him with the drill, would anyone notice?


If the pattern isn’t vividly clear by now, I’ll give you a hint: if Obama did it, Trump wants to undo it. Doesn’t matter what it is, doesn’t matter if it was objectively a good or bad idea. He and his supporters want to make it as if Obama’s presidency never happened. It’s not business, it’s personal.

It reminds me of the time Casey Anthony weaseled her way out of paying for Search and Rescue when they spent months looking for her daughter when she already knew she was dead.

Try to make something Idiot-proof, the world invents a better idiot

Thanks for bringing this up. “Evangelical” “Christians” firmly believe that a that war, famine, pestilence & death are Good Things, the more the better, presaging Christ’s return (to kill all non-Christians and cast them into Hell). Their Rapture theology* tells them they’ll be swept up alive into Heaven before they

Donny was so pleased with himself, when he declared that he was doing what presidents before him hadn’t done. It didn’t even occur to him that there might have been a good reason that previous presidents hadn’t done it. Instead, he just opened his fat mouth, then stood there waiting for his big pat on the back.

He’s just doing it because crazy evangelicals told him to. They don’t care about peace or Palestinians, they just want the Dome of the Rock to get blown up so the temple can be rebuilt and Jesus and return. That’s the reasoning behind this. Otherwise Trump would have asked Israel for something in exchange.

“Remember how I campaigned on a platform of fearmongering about Muslim terrorists? Watch now as I pointlessly do something to piss off the Middle East and invite the kind of trouble I was so worried about!”

I thought I could get around this by redownloading their app that I bought years ago, but they didn’t update it for iOS 11. So, that was a bust. It really is absolutely impossible to read on mobile.

Oh ffs, at some point, the rest of my Jewish brethren have to figure out that the evangelicals are not our friends, they are the assholes on the sidelines of a fight screaming “kill the other guy”.

This is your friendly reminder that disagreeing with or being against the government of Israel does not inherently make someone anti-Semitic.

lol, oh buddy.

Tipped position are paid a lot less per hour, No need to share with minimum wage or above employees. I take it you have never had a service job?

“Wait...your name is Michael Bolton? You ever thought about changing your name?”

True story -

In the late 90s I was at a social gathering that included then WPIX, now WNYW morning anchor Sukanya Krishnan. I am shooting pool with her now ex-husband whose name at this point I haven’t gotten. As we exchange pleasantries he reveals his first name is Apu.

I can’t decide if he is joking or not. “That