
Funny, I only ever see people on the “MAGA” side of the aisle smashing things like coffee makers or boycotting places like starbucks. People on the other side of that aisle just don’t buy the product. At most they might incorporate it into a lawful and peaceful protest before they get hit by Jazz as he comes screaming

There are still people arguing that trickle down works, I fear for our future that people remain this uneducated and can still vote.

Laura Loomer seems confused about exactly *who* was coming for the Socialists, Jews, etc., and which political system she’s carrying water for.

I didn’t even think about that. They can still tweet. Wow. They didn’t lose followers. They just won’t be featured or promoted. They already have reputations all over the right-o-sphere. They’re such children!

I love that they’re using twitter to complain about twitter censoring them.

They have a bazillion other ways to post their thoughts on the internet. This isn’t controlling free speech, it’s saying “not in my house.” I mean, FFS you used the word “private” several times, do you know what that means and entails?

Seriously. This stupid Twitter shit is literally the opposite of Nazism.

Using “badge politics”, censoring those who don’t worship twitter’s liberal dictator, & implementing procedures to annihilate conservatives from the Internet?

The real irony is that conservatives would 100% back the idea that Twitter can enforce whatever rules they desire with their platform because they’re a company and not a government entity. If they wanted to remove all conservatives from the platform, the current conservative ideology forces them to support that

Translation: you’re a hateful asshole.

You have completely missed the point of this article.

That awesome moment someone on a video game blog is a better investigative journalist this half the media in the nation. Anyway, I believe he is lying(it’s obvious) but I don’t say that to be mean to him. I wonder what was his reason for doing something like this? It seems very strange. I hope this gets an update.

They’re supposed to be preserved. But like everything in this administration, the rules don’t fucking matter and it’s currently being fought in court.

Not starring you because I agree. I’m fine with kinja.com. But because your comment is funny

11. Created a burner account so he could comment on The Root.

I tend to prefer constructive solutions to these sort of “rah, rah, burn it all down!” revolutionary gratification exercises that often ignore political reality. But, man, I am with you here. Fuck ICE. At best, it needs to be wholly reformed with an entirely new mission statement.

It’s tough to reinforce ideas that are obviously bullshit. From the start, this was all about filling up concentration camps to please white nationalists. As we can already see from the grays here, white people will twist themselves in knots in order to justify racial cleansing.

Welcome to Ban Week, in which Splinter writers will build a case for burning it all down.

Don’t forget his trip to Mexico:

Yeah there were actually a lot like that - for every Obama-turned-Trump county, there were others who had been solid red for decades that got really close to blue.