
We need to just run up voters in our strong holds and suburban areas where Hilary underperformed, forget about the deplorable there are plenty of voters that we can reach that are outthere, see how well northam did in va as an example: overperformed in all areas except the really rural areas, where Trump ran up his

Yes. I’d scream that from the rooftops if I wouldn’t be hauled off to jail.

This is why I think Democrats need to focus less on trying to persuade people that their ideas are right, and focus more on getting people who already do (the majority of the country) to get out and vote.

He’s an “aggregator”.

Which would all probably be a lot more comforting if it seemed even remotely likely that the current occupant of the Oval Office has any idea what MAD is, or what a measured response is. Or that he won’t take a notion to launch a pre-emptive strike at Nambia.

I’m expecting that he’ll claim that InfoWars is a “search engine” and that he is just displaying “snippets” of content like Google.

No offense, but everything you posted seems to make him extremely qualified to yell at a camera on Fox News.

Tucker Carlson finding actual physical difficulty in performing the task of breaking that news is priceless.

Momentum folks, feel it. Let’s keep it going into the midterms and beyond!

Thank heavens, I think that about sums it up.

I went and voted in my municipal election today...just a mayor and two commissioners, but I hate the incumbents, so I did my civic duty to (hopefully) kick their corrupt asses out of office.

Food is a depreciating asset. It loses nearly all it’s value within a few days time. From that perspective, I would give it a no buy recommendation.  

Canada here. You guys have any idea how hard it is to get a gun up here? I have a license for both long gun and restricted firearms and let me tell you, the application process is no joke. You and people you know (references) are interviewed by the RCMP. The RCMP does a criminal backround check. You have to go through

Ya know the fuck what.

Maybe we should plaster billboards with the broken and bloody bodies of children shot daily. THIS IS WHAT A BULLET DOES TO A CHILD.

And contrary to what most Americans think, you don’t get shot and then die right away like in a movie. No you lay on the ground, bleed out over a period of time.

Imagine how many people would have been saved had the gunman, you know, not had a gun.

Brown man commits terrorist act - Extreme vetting for all immigrants! - Trump

White man commits mass murder - Extreme vetting would not have stopped this... - Trump

Is this bizarro world? The grass is blue, the sky is green, up is down and down is left?  

“Trump said stronger background checks would have made “no difference” in the attack, which left 26 people dead, including several children.”

WTF, stronger background checks in the case would have exactly prevented this shooting, read the fucking news Trump you moron. The man purchased guns because the military failed

Good Lord, that quote from Ryan hits all the hypocritical buttons, to the point that it reads like satire.

Very cruel to mock Paul here. No one deserves this type of ribbing after being injured.