
Since 1968, more Americans have been killed by guns than in all our wars combined. An entire classroom of first graders were murdered, and gun laws have gotten weaker. Remember after the Las Vegas shooting when even Republican congressmen were saying we should ban bump stocks, and everyone was like “wow! they can

welp.... i’d say something like you should ban all guns that arent bolt action rifles or shotguns and things would get a lot better

I thought Halo and Halo 2 had a really good balance with NPC deaths. The marines would banter and emote, and it was enough to make me want to keep them alive. Then you would look over your shoulder and realize that you only have two guys left and you’d feel a twinge of regret. Then you’d run into some hunters...

Do you understand what “right to work” is? It’s really a fallacy of words and means a corporations “right to fire” people without cause.

I completely agree business should be able to fire bad employees, however they should require a documented reason for it.

Japan having a trade surplus with the US is not at all a problem. The railing against trade deficits is know-nothing political posturing.

He’s not a republican. He’s a jackass.

In order to have reciprocal trade with anyone we have to have products worthy and valuable enough that other countries would want. As far as automobiles go, those foreign manufacturers would have to import their own cars made in the USA back to their own country. At certain point you and your buddy Trump should stop

Is someone gonna tell him that 100% of the Korean Kia Sorento is built in the US from US sourced parts?

Welcome to 2017.

“I tremble for my country when i think we may in fact get the kind of leaders we deserve”

And the ghostwriter publicly thinks he’s an idiot.

I feel like this would be a fantastic 80’s movie. Instead, it’s real life.

Really makes you suspect dementia. I’ve heard people who have had parents go through it say they can recognize the signs in him.

You’re new here and to North America since January, aren’t you?

Oh for fucks sake.

Trump must have forgotten that part of The Art of The Deal is to know what Hell you are talking about first. Oh I forgot, that book was ghostwritten.

He is literally what would happen if a 70-something year old, low educated, Fox-news viewer became president by accident (with Russian help).

I, personally, am shocked that some nobody like myself knows more about the Japanese auto industry - and literally everything else - than the POTUS.

You know if I didn’t know any better... I’d be inclined to think Trump just might be a moron.

If he hadn’t been in the public eye continuously for the past 40 years, I might wonder if he had just time travelled from 1984.