
All I want to do is eat Doritos and wear that headset all day long.

Don’t give them ideas.

But that’s just it. The Dems know there are problems, they’ve made attempts to fix the problems. The GOP is interested in none of that. It’s not a “both sides” thing. It’s one side needs to quit trying to repeal it and instead just fix it. That’s it. The party that won’t try to fix it is the one in charge. The onus is

Trump and his goons are the most determined people I have ever seen, except for Peter Thiel, to abuse the legal system for their own gain, and to make baseless complaints about court decisions. Folks at the higher courts should start slapping these folks down about this shit soon, before the Trump appointees move

It’s all a joke at this point.

fun fact: both Yum Brands (which owns Pizza Hut) and Papa John’s have their corporate HQs in Louisville KY, where Papa John’s sponsors the football stadium and Yum sponsors the basketball stadium. my guess is that Pizza Hut got into this just to take a personal shot at a local rival. which is entirely consistent with

I ate a Pizza Pocket yesterday and now I don’t know where I stand politically.

Hey! Small local chains can be great!

17 thousand people liked a frozen pizza companies tweet.

To a certain degree I expect this. White supremacists and far-right activists generally have good relationships with police, and those groups have been trying to “infiltrate” law enforcement for years. But this is imbalanced even beyond what I expected. The neo-Nazis seem to be able to have their complaints treated

Remember all the crying and bitching Charlottesville’s PD did about how the white supremacists were all “from the outside” and “not an accurate portrayal of the city” and whatnot? Mmmmmmmhmm


Ironically Trump is the king of “where there’s smoke there’s fire” in the way that he’ll take any minor issue, true or false, and blow it out of proportion to try to take down his enemies. But when he literally has a trail of smoke coming out of his ass that spells out “Russia” everywhere he goes, he continues to

I think I’ve run out of surprise that we as a country are treating other human beings with such contempt just because they weren’t born here. Is there a word that means more than ashamed? Cause that’s how I feel Every time I read about immigrants being treated like less than human beings.

Ah yes, treating women’s hygiene items as an unnecessary frippery pretty much defines the M.O. of this entire administration, doesn’t it?

Muslim = brown in her mind. Basically she wants a white cab driver, good luck finding a car in NYC.

There are an estimated 3.3 million Muslims in the United States.

As a middle-aged white guy, I cannot blame you.

As a Native American male, I say stuff like this like all the time.

Look at this middle-aged white guy. Standing there smiling, shoving our face in his middle-aged whiteness, just a month after a middle-aged white guy killed 59 people in Las Vegas.