
A couple of million maybe, but NO ONE settles out of court for 32 million if they are innocent. Bilblow doesn’t have the kind of excess cash lying about that he can just toss out 32 million to avoid have to put on a tie and go to court. And it’s not like he doesn’t have a lot of free time now. How long can it take to


I love how all of Donnie Two Scoops’ supporters are all like, “well, another widow of a WHITE soldier recorded his phone call with them, and it wasn’t disrespectful at all!”

To all the people who said they were both the same, that there was no difference I truly hope that every bad thing that comes from this administration affects you & your children. Really I want the worst for you since you didn’t give enough of a shit to think of the consequences of your actions.

That’s one way to parse it. Another is to ask “Who is known for lying about everything, even the most inconsequential things?”

This same group will never see reality. They’re the very same that has attempted to blame the wildfires here in NorCal on “illegal immigrants.” Even ICE is trying ride the wave of insane hate.

When it comes to reported news these days I tend to ask myself, “who is more likely to be a liar?”

He veils it all though. He never criticizes the widow directly, because his handlers know how that looks. He only launches direct attacks at Wilson. The handlers know enough not to flat out call Ms. Johnson a liar...just imply it...which, nevertheless, is still dumb as shit. But here we are.

Special Ed teacher here:
My hunch is that they did this in order to make it easier to do one of two things.

A) start to allow schools to use federal special education money for other things.

B)to allow private schools to accept federal special ed money without actually taking special ed students.

... they’re just going to say “fake news” but if these cucks HEAR HIS VOICE they cant argue it.

I assume she hates everyone, but prefers targets less able to fight back.

if these cucks HEAR HIS VOICE they cant argue it

He just can’t stop lying.

Vet here. I can tell you with absolute conviction that the right’s obsession with “honoring” the troops is mere lip service to justify their bigotry and nationalism. If they actually gave a shit about us, they wouldn’t 1) be so hawkish and eager to send us off to die, and 2) abandon us as soon as we come back home.

Reply from those 63 million people “But Hillary would have been worse!”

I mean....they would be wrong, but they still believe it.

All he has to do is let it go. All he EVER has to do is let it go. Yet he is absolutely incapable of doing it.

He is a BILLIONAIRE and THE PRESIDENT and still feels threatened by the slightest criticism from a random bystander. It would be hard to find someone in history more weak willed than Donald Trump.

Guy must lay

He just can’t stop lying. He is essentially incapable of ever admitting to being at fault. Everything is always someone else’s fault, and his administration keep supporting his obvious lies. They consistently tell people to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and ears.

I should have made this months ago...

In the week Trump has spent arguing with a PREGNANT WIDOW, he could have made another personal phone call to her to smooth things over.

Cause it’s convenient for those who oppose the mission of the protests.