
Like this is even a contest:

Unfortunately, most of the people classified as illegal immigrants did not walk across the border. They arrived in an airplane, with a valid temporary Visa. They overstay their Visa and presto: they are now illegal.

Of the minority of illegals that do cross the land border, they generally fall into 2 main categories:

The vast majority of illegals entering the country do so by driving through border checkpoints or on commercial airlines and showing their passports, just like you do when you cross to visit Mexico or Canada. The whole “illegals sneaking across in the dead of night” thing is a small minority of people, and is mostly a

Ah but what of those pesky tunnels, ladders, boats, cars, bribes, etc.

I think that’s a big thing people are missing.. games are lacking demos these days. Every big title should come with a demo, as most people will know if they want to purchase the game within a few hours, max. And the demos should be the full game, with a cutoff point put in. Don’t spend the time and resources making a

I live in Alaska, where most of us snow hillbillies hear about the “hot new thing” or current events long after the rest of the US, and I’ve still heard people echoing this rumor.

This administration has been one of the worst I’ve ever seen for fear mongering. I think the worst in my lifetime. The attacks on immigrants, Muslims and people of color are approaching “Red Scare” territory. It’s a full-on war against non-whites.

Yeah, but the cops brought in SWAT, who are armed better than most militaries, and even they didn’t shoot the bad guy with 30 guns. Dude shot himself when he was done shooting other people, so it’s not like anyone else’s guns stopped this massacre.

Games are expensive to make, if anything all this DLC stuff is to help with the cost. AAA Games should be priced at $90 imo

When you talk about Las Vegas, which was a horrible tragedy, that was a gun free zone. Did you know that? Did you know the Aurora shooter was a gun free zone? It didn’t stop it did it?

Gabe Newell built an empire on the back of the premise “Piracy is a service problem.” If you want to compete with pirates, you have to offer a better, more convenient service than they do.

I didn’t know that piracy only existed since the dawn of microtransactions. Man, what a pirate-free utopia we lived in before then, right?

Good thing this is “Kotaku” and not “Things That Tekton Cares About”.

Imagine I am on probation or parole. This person can get me sent to prison for virtually anything. The prosecutor will cooperate because it improves his career metrics. The saying is judges “never see a revocation order they didn’t like.” It is impossible to be on for long without having a few minor violations that

The baffling thing is that half of the comments are from outrage at the use of the term Latinx (who cares?) and not about the topic of the article which is blatant racism and discrimination towards immigrants and people of heritage different than white european. I’m a south american in a northern US state and half of

If I had a dollar for every white person who says “I can’t possibly be racist, I’m .000002 Cherokee! My great great great great great great grandmother was a Cherokee princess!” I’d have almost as much money as I’d make from white people claiming they aren’t racist because they have a black friend.

I bet there was a split second where she considered calling them “lazy Mexicans” and realize they were actually working, so she just went with “fucking.”

In the years ahead, Steve Jobs will be remembered as a civil rights innovator due to his smartphone catching every racist shitbag in the act.

Kepler himself maintained that his Native American heritage negated any accusations of racism.

while Kepler himself maintained that his Native American heritage negated any accusations of racism.