
I disagree that her nose looks swollen here (it’s just angle and lighting), but I have thought more than once lately that her makeup looked like it was covering bruising. And here, her hair and glasses are completely obscuring her cheeks, which makes my spidey sense tingle.

Now usually I’d just dismiss rampant conspiracy theories but given how much Melania clearly hates Trump and how insane this Regime is I wouldn’t be surprised if they were using a body double.

It’s amazing how fast these “state’s rights” anti-federal government wack jobs do a 180 when you mention sanctuary cities. “HOW DARE THEY DEFY FEDERAL LAW?!”

How was it just? The gov’t in Afghanistan didn’t attack us. A terrorist did. We had no right to go in and rampage across that country to chase down one guy who wound up not even being there! And lets not forget where most of the 9/11 hijackers were from - Saudi Arabia (mostly). None of them were from Afghanistan. It

I’m glad Pres. Obama isn’t touching this shitburger.

There’s already a qualifier in this statement, “Every” Trump didn’t say Obama etc hadn’t called EVERY service member’s family when they were KIA he just rambled on about how he calls and Obama didn’t and then he even back tracks himself when a reporter in the room asks him if he means Obama made no calls, he says

My favorite response:

Cool, so the defense is that until it hits a certain number of women or a certain level of severity, it really doesn’t count.

Ok, fox and friends, you got me. I’ll admit Harvey weinstein is a creep and unqualified to be president.

I used to feel the same way about Brian Kilmeade, but because he’s so goddam stupid, my anger turned into pity.

Fox News Guest Says Trump’s Long History of Alleged Sexual Assault Is ‘Child’s Play’

Every time I see Steve Doocy’s smug face I have an almost overwhelming desire to punch my monitor.

Thank god a school was around for Mr. Bad Guy with a Gun to offend, rather than be properly charged for trying to kill someone. He won’t even do any real time let alone lose his gun license. Sheesh. The cops have been bending over backwards to help the white wienies stay out of jail. It’s time for the Feds to step...

Every day law enforcement has a chance to show they aren’t trash and every day they fucking fail!

And the only reason that any of harris’ attackers are in jail is because Shaun King and his band of internet sleuths tracked them down.

White versus not-white.

Hustler - Exposing twats since 1974.

Needless to say twitter will not touch nazi_enabler trump or any brownshirted breitbart-ers.