
Don’t miss our special: Colin Kaepernick & Chelsea Manning: why the firing squad is too kind.

Precisely. Last time I got too confident I woke up and Trump was president.

Will John McCain live to see the vote? Will Rand Paul once again lose his spine?

The president and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield, an insurer that opposes Graham-Cassidy, criticized this provision in The New York Times. “The bill contains provisions that would allow states to waive key consumer protections, as well as undermine safeguards for those with pre-existing medical conditions,” said

It’s easy to lie when you have zero understanding of the words on the paper. He doesn’t know, doesn’t care and probably his only concern is that his poll number have edged up recently.

A Classy Thomas Newman score - “Another lie. Graydon Carter confirmed he had a reputation for reeking of Brut Champagne in the 80's and 90's.”

Yeah, I called bullshit on him being sober when I learned he owned a winery.

So the notion that he is a teetotaler is another lie that is easily proven. Guy can’t stop lying. $20 he did or does do massive amounts of blow during his yacht orgies.

Is he drinking wine in that photo? I thought he was a teetotaler?

If I’m not mistaken, the President isn’t part of the legislative branch, unless I really, really misunderstood all those civics classes and Schoolhouse Rock.

As Stephen Colbert once said, “Reality has a well known liberal bias.”

In fairness, it sounds like that study just focused on the economic impact of the refugees, but did not take into consideration that many, or probably most, are either brown, Muslim, or, even worse, brown Muslims. Major, major oversight.

The Republican Party in a nutshell. “Facts are biased against conservatives, so we have to invent alternate ones!”

Yeah, but on the other hand, Nixon wasn’t dismantling the country from within at a neck-break speed towards unadulterated fascism.

I got no beef with seltzer and it’s a better mixer than most soda, honestly.

If calling the president racist is a fireable offense, shouldn’t you resign? Or does it only count when it’s true?

Because to Trump and therefore to the White House, someone saying something mean about Trump is far more important than any of those issues.

Because “better” doesn’t always equal “more fun.”

Why is this a thing? North Korea is shooting missiles over Japan. 800,000 dreamers don’t know where they will be in 6 months. Nazis are literally marching in the streets. The Middle East is...well, that’s always a shitstorm. Surely, the president doesn’t have time to focus on all these things AND rant continuously

I like how he thinks anti-fascists were “created” like a few months ago.