
What, he hasn’t taken credit for naming antifa yet, like he took credit for the phrase “priming the pump”? He’s slipping!

WTF is with the latest line of attack from GOP trolls? Nobody cares about your bullshit spinning. Trump isnt running for office asshole, he’s in it, not Hilary and not Obama.

“People are saying” = I refer to some of the screaming voices in my head as “People”!

It’s very fucking telling.

Is it telling that he referred to the anti-Nazi protesters as “the other side”?

I believe the article he’s referring to was written by John Miller! John Bannon made sure he read it…

People are saying Trump should write me a check for $1 million, no strings attached.

Christ he really is deranged.

Right, I chose to focus on the questions that related specifically held by beliefs that white nationalists/supremacists hold dear. The “mixing races” question, like you mentioned, is found in all racial groups, but the rates also, compared to these other questions, weren’t quite as striking.

My guess is, assuming it’s the Russians behind this, it’s the same reason they target Americans... they don’t want Cuba having any friends other than Russia. If Americans and Canadians don’t feel safe working out of Cuba, it would strengthen the island’s ties to Russia by default.

Look, some of them are, were, fine people. Both sides are to blame. If the Hebrew weren’t Jewish, you know, it wouldn’t have been a problem. Problem solved!

She might know things like “it’s bad to say good things about Nazis,” but she doesn’t want to get out of her lane.

I may have paused and uttered a “are you fucking kidding me” to myself when I saw that stat myself.

Yeah, every time I hear her complain now, all I can think is that she brought this on herself.

I find a certain level of humor in the irony that 3/5 of total respondents believe that the confederate monuments should be kept in public spaces.

While sometimes my heart wants me to fully engage on any host of issues outside of my responsibility or expertise, I try really hard to stay in my lane and execute on the initiatives I came to DC to take on.

Ms. Trump (and let’s just dispense with this whole “Mrs. Kushner” thing because you two are married in only the legal sense):

“Look, all I do is pop into Daddy’s meetings to say hello! They told me that was all that was in the job description! Stop putting pressure on meeee!”