
heck, my dad’s a federal judge, and he taught his kids that you don’t talk to cops because they LIE ALL THE TIME.

Afghanistan produces 90% of the world’s opium.

Opium selling surely? Even if they’re technically against it I’m sure I heard a lot of the profits still go to the Taliban.

Oh, I didn’t mean that as a criticism, so I hope it didn’t come off that way. There does need to be a better relationship built between police and the communities they serve, especially communities of color and of lower socioeconomic status. I’ve just noticed a trend in my acquaintance who are police officers that

As editor in chief of Splinter, I must state that Splinter does not endorse Hamilton Nolan’s views about the eclipse. I do, however, support him emotionally.

Funny how cops have the willingness to put their time and effort into this kind of ridiculous bullshit. Yet, they seem to not care a bit about confronting Republicans on their unwavering support for the NRA’s agenda of making sure anyone, including criminals, has easy access to guns.

 Jonathan Pryce was a Bond villain way ahead of his time. A psychotic fake news media baron would fit into 2016-2017 perfectly.

Who catches the IMSI catchers? Researchers demonstrate Stingray detection kit - - Posted Jun 2, 2017 by Devin Coldewey

Remember Gamergate? How women were under a crushing amount of stress & death threats? Oh and rape threats?

I know. Trump is a textbook example of how money can’t buy class. Add to that that he’s so self-absorbed and dense that after all this time trying to be part of the elite, he still doesn’t understand such simple things as it would score him points with them to feign an interest in art (an not being a boor)

Donny Two Scoops - I’m definitely stealing that for future use. It’s like the most pathetic mafia name ever.

Saudi Arabia Youth Forum, Muslim holiday, Cinco de Mayo, NAACP.
I think a pattern is starting to emerge.

Soooo presidential.

And it is the height of privilege to complain that you had to leave your school (he didn’t) because people were intolerant of him when his intolerance endangered others who still have to go about their business.

Five bucks he’s said “You’re one of the good ones” to her at least once

“He’s an anti-semitic racist who especially hates Jews, although he happens to be married to a Jewish woman,”

That is what I’m going to tell the judge next time I’m arrested for merely shitting in the fixin’s bar at my local froyo place. I was doing it ironically.

What these idiots forget is they go into these things with weapons and guns, but this war is not going to be fought in the way they want. As long as we keep exposing them and showing that we will not allow them to spout their hate we can do a lot more than rioting and fighting with them physically. In these cases,

I know your kidding, but call it Stars n’ Bars” or some mess like that and exclusively serve food that’s been deep fried and you’ve got yourself a successful rural southeastern chain business!

OMG Totally evil but amazing business idea.