
You gave him all he wanted, which was to be pulled out of the greys. Congrats for assisting the moron/troll.

Man that must be some tasty koolaid eh comrade?

And that has exactly shit-all to do with whether a private company gets to say, “Take your fucking business elsewhere you Nazi shitheads.” The Internet is not a public space. It is not an American space. And there is a vast difference between, “I am not allowed to curtail your life and liberty for saying this” and

We’ve tried that for twenty years. The net result is Nazis marching in the goddamn streets with the vocal support of the President of the United States. Maybe it’s time to admit that “good information and truth will always eventually win out over lies and hate speech” was a well-intentioned pipe dream that has done

To paraphrase Hall of Fame (IMO) Kinja commenter MBCock, “I’m not saying all Trump voters are racist, I’m just saying that anyone who voted for him thinks racism is okay.”

No one needs to flame you because this isn’t a hot take. It’s old and tired and wrong, but not remotely hot. Despite your protestations, you write intelligibly and make seemingly coherent (if incorrect) points so I assume even you don’t believe the drivel you’re saying, but are just reflexively being defense seeing

I won’t flame you, but I would like to maybe add a little more context.

Things get real real fast when you can’t hide behind a cartoon frog.

Central Park 5 aside, I always thought his foray into all this began with his discrimination charges for his housing back in the 70s.

BLM isn’t calling for dead cops.

So we’re supposed to ignore his racist past, and his families racist past, and the discriminatory acts he’s been charged with over the years if he comes out and denounces the KKK immediately after C-ville?

So the parents of your best friend were recently killed in a car accident. You decide to show him a funny video of a guy getting run over by a car. Does it mean you’re celebrating or endorsing his parents’ deaths? No, but it means, you’re an insensitive idiot and kind of an as*hole. Now expand that to the

Sure, but it does fall under the guise of “too soon”.

Guess what? Websites / blogs evolve over time. Politics is part of what this site covers now (and has been covering for quite some time). Many GM sites have broadened their scope in terms of subject because Gawker no longer exists. You are free to not click the articles you don’t want to read, as well as find another

If he comes out and blasts the KKK like he blasts CNN or Rosie or Obama or Clinton or fake news or the black CEO or Sessions or McConnell or... See where I’m going with this?

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said this in the last 15 years... What do you mean it’s only been 6 months?!?!

Yeah, blocking traffic may cause hardships, and if it’s a main road, it may not be avoidable even. It’s not an ideal form of protest IMO. But drawing a connection between that and what Nazis did to truly restrict movement?

It’s the timing though. It’s like whatever website I was on the other day that was showing video of the incident in VA that played right after a 12 second auto collision repair advertisement.

You know, I’m starting to get the feeling that this Trump fellow may not have the most even temperament or best judgment.

One of the dimensions of this story is that these American born nazi traitors are using the same ideology and recruitment tools as ISIS, the justification for Trumps unAmerican travel ban.