
These guys aren’t even “real” Nazi’s. This is just a bunch of cosplay idiots trying to play at being tough. Jerkoffs trying to make their Call of Duty fantasies real.

They rebranded themselves “alt-right” to gain wider support. People recoil from the terms Nazi or White Supremecist. That’s the only reason they don’t want to be called that anymore. They know damn well their beliefs align perfectly with Hitler’s. But they don’t want the label. Which is why we have to apply that

That’s how the GOP thinks science works.

They should build this border fence out of her emails since nobody can get over them.

“is the full destruction and elimination of the entire mainstream media....We envision a day when the New York Times closes its doors.”

Ah, 4Chan. If you need to find a place to blame for the current state of the internet, today, what with all it’s misinformation campaigns, hate campaigns and death threats/organized harassment, then you’ve got a good shot with 4Chan.

Trump is like a pigeon playing chess- He flops onto the board, scattering the pieces and shitting everywhere then struts around like he’s won the game.

45 drops country-changing proclamations via Twitter, you dolt. It’s completely valid to pay attention to what the moron is bleeting about, since it has the potential to impact millions of lives.

If they “will never be won over,” then I see no harm in ridiculing them as they’ve earned in such a well-deserved manner.

This was my thought as well. If you ever forget you have a gun on you (loaded or not), then you should probably never have a gun on you.

Is anyone else sick and tired of hearing what West Fucking Virginia wants? We can’t expect to stick behind in the 20th century because some fucking goober named Billy Ray dicked around in high school, thinking that the mine would always be there. These people think they are America’s Best; they are America’s Lowest.

Jesus. This is what we’re talking about. You’re completely and utterly missing the point.

How many times are you going to need to be beaten over the head with the fact that “freedom of speech” doesn’t mean “freedom from consequences of speech” before it sticks in your puny brain?

Great, another imbecile. Don’t let hate cause your projection.

“On the anonymous confession blog Sim Secrets, six of the 29 latest confessions are people mad about laundry.” There’s a lot in that sentence. Never change, humans.

Basically when trump says “everyone is talking about” or “everyone says” it means that NO ONE is saying this.

*snork!* OK, so you found the ONLY plausible scenario in the world that’d make me believe that the world leaders were actually talking about the Clinton campaign.

I don’t know. Maybe. I can totally see Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Angela Merkel getting together and saying “Hey, let’s bring up Clinton with Trump and watch him lose his shit. It’ll totally be fun!”.

Cable news in general is a blight, but pointing to two flawed things and saying “same! bad!” is oversimplifying. CNN didn’t drive old people in droves to lose their fucking minds, stockpile firearms, and hate their neighbors

If you support Trump or think that NASA has a colony of Martian slave children you are fucking stupid. Only one of these things need be true for you to have gone full moron.