
Surprise! When the foundation of your beliefs is based on lies and blind belief, its pretty normal for fucking psychopaths to slip past from time to time.

Which raises a better question: why are men ignoring the plights of men?

Funny, I’m on my Amazon account looking at best selling books now and it’s not even in the top 100. It’s almost as if Amazon takes your purchasing history into account when organizing “best sellers” in order to prod you into buying something you’re more likely to spend money on...

It’s cute you think Amazon Best Seller for half a moment is indicative of anything, at all.

“Do you think Trump will arrest his political opposition, merely because they’re the opposition?”

Hitler was democratically elected, and the actions of the Germans prior to the outbreak of war were all perfectly legal.

Fuck Trump. I’ve stopped paying attention to him, like I would a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Get involved in local government. With people you can meet with. Talk to. Influence.City council, school board, county commissioners, state legislators. Work from the ground up. Make a difference at the level of

Genius. I second the motion.

Bezos should rename the sales tax that Amazon now charges to “Donald Trump’s Internet Tax” with a link to that tweet.

should be paying massive taxes but it’s not paying

I think Donald may know a thing or two about not paying taxes.

Who cares? This is a legitimate thing to criticize him for because he hasn’t just taken a shitty photo-chop job at face value, he’s actually had it printed large and posted at his expensive members only clubs as though it were legitimate fact. It’s just more fuel for the fire, and it’s important to keep track of his

Hell, they probably didn’t even need to go as far as putting on a fake interview. They easily could just get away with showing up with the fake magazine and being like “Look sir!”
There’s no way Trump would ever actually READ the magazine or go to a newsstand. He’d be none the wiser.

the guy is full of shit in all ways great and small, and yet his supporters still look the other way. I’m not sure which will have the larger long-term repercussions—how much he has recalibrated the bar for acceptable behavior among politicians (and humanity in general), or how much his opponents will regard his

it was barron.... he’s good at the cyber.....

It’s more likely the scenario unfolds like this:

They’re desperate to present themselves as some sort of oppressed people; they think some political kudos attaches to the sort of oppression that is having a supercilious comment written on a coffee cup.

Frightened people part with their money faster than anyone

It could be worse than that. It could be part of this new epidemic of: “The evidence is clear and everyone believes this one thing, but I am a super-smart individual, I’ve got the world worked-out so I’m going to take a contrary position to make myself feel relevant and important.”

So what we’ve learned here is that this juror is ignorant about sexual assault, apparently didn’t actually listen to the evidence, had already made up his mind before entering the courtroom, and has watched enough episodes of Columbo to learn the phrase ‘smoking gun’. Go figure.