
This seems like a really fundamental problem with healthcare that NO one seems to want to discuss. All these free market hawks don’t seem to want to understand or admit that the healthcare industry doesn’t exist in a free market and isn’t subject to free market pressures. They can essentially “tax” the working public

Boy, good thing so many idiots in this country trust corporations over unions and the government. They sure have our best interests in mind.

Or I mean climatologists actually did the research and the solar doldrums we’ve been in since the 50s would, by itself, make the world colder than it was. No other input such as vulcanism could have possibly made up the difference. You have some randomization, but bear in mind how much slower the natural cycle is

Guy with “Infowars dot com— CNN is ISIS!” sign asked why the Paris deal was bad:

But it’s ultimately going to backfire because it’s so far on the fringe that any rational independent who had skeptically supported the president until now will probably bail.

I don’t know, I’d be pretty surprised to learn that Trump thinks.

Watching InfoWars go from anti-government jadehelmers/chemtrailers to a big-government propaganda outlet is pretty telling.

Uninformed Trump voter? You don’t say!

Fuck off.

Wait a second here. The government has the power to declare a speech to be unprotected if it decides the message isn’t clear enough? This seems like a slippery slope.

Seriously? It has to be that explicit for you to understand what he’s saying?

But this isn’t a car site. It’s Foxtrot Alpha which is a military site.

...and he just confirmed the intel came from Israel. Good grief...

See, this is a reasonable comment about how Gizmodo is a tech blog and this sort of news should be elsewhere.

It introduces a different kind of horror. Romero is interested in zombies because they let him explore the failure of empathy. First, you have these human shells with nothing left but basic drives, and then you have the human characters (and audience members) who learn to regard the zombies as objects to be

That’s why I’ve been saying Ailes and his ilk are fucking traitors. They’ve intentionally sowed dissent and flat out contention between Americans for the sake of ratings. I doubt they even believe half the bullshit they’ve flung against the wall.

You don’t want Trump to resign. Every day he’s in office is more damage to the republican party and another day nothing on their agenda is getting done.

An asshole is not a brilliant visionary just because a toilet has a bottomless appetite for what comes out of it.