
Um, federal taxes only cover interstate highways. Regular roads are maintained by the state. Just FYI.

I’d argue that you need a college diploma to carry a firearm. High school grads should only be issued a taser and body armor. Most British cops are unarmed and well you don’t hear about a large number of unarmed suspects over there getting shot.

There’s a Jeep that I see around my town a lot with a sticker “why you no wave?”. Suddenly that makes a lot more sense.

I guess you could say the scientific community got “boned”.

What’s almost worst is good luck trying to be the guy on the team telling the rest of them to knock that shit off. And people wonder why most of my friends are women or LBGTQ, most straight dudes who share my interests are downright insufferable.

I’m spit balling here but what about “Liabetic in Chief”? “Captain Liabetes”? Really that American Dad joke has just stuck with me since season one.

At least when I get fucked by a regular car salesman at the end of the day I still have a car.

Ugh, unfortunately this isn’t like the Paris Climate Accords where various cities and states can be like “no we’re still committed to this”. Of all the disastrous short sited shit he has pulled, this will go down as our greatest failure on the world stage.

I thought the joke sounded familiar, and it does explain why it was the first comment I’ve seen in a while that made me genuinely laugh. Considering I steal comedians’ jokes for conversational purposes all the time, I’m gonna stand by my decision. Besides I missed starring things.

Omg I dug out my profile (I factory reset my phone and was no longer automatically logged in and kinda shirked my commenting and starring responsibilities) just to give you a star for this, congratulations.

This is why I really liked Burnout 1 and 2. There was less emphasis on smashing up other cars, and more just drive dangerously to earn boost while avoiding wrecks. It created a really satisfying risk and reward system, and even if you ended up eating it you were presented with a spectacular view of your car

Sera broke my heart when I found out she was a female only romance option... Cassandra forever now.

Considering how many times he, or his business have claimed bankruptcy, I’m gonna go with everything you said is 100% correct.

Apparently I need a crossing guard at this intersection.

Considering I used to be pretty damn conservative in high school (I was young and naive) and didn’t lose any friends over it, I’m gonna go with it was your specific brand of conservatism that turned people off. I mean you’re in a room listening to Richard Spencer of your own volition...

Seriously Seth Rogen, Micheal Sera/Jesse Eisenburg, as leads in a biopic about it. I’d watch that.

If I could afford to blow $500 on something entirely frivolous I’d buy one... so I guess I’m one of those idiots. Practical things are rarely cool, and I’d file this too cool junk I’d use once and then put on a shelf as more of a display piece.

You ever had a gun pointed at you? Trust me, paying exact attention to where you’re hands are, or really any calm rational thought processes, become pretty difficult. Granted I’ve never had one pointed at me by a cop, but the last time I was pulled over the officer had his holster unsnapped and hand resting on it and

“Stop resisting”

It gets used in racist ways involving Ebola/AIDS... Idk if it’s racist to joke about Khoisan, but it definitely gets used for more than just that.