
I agree that the precedent it sets is rather scary. What happens win every rich person wants to send some kind of shiny object into space? I could easily see this turning into a competition. “Mine’s bigger.” “Mine stayed up there longer.” “Mine flashed red every time it passed by.” Never underestimate the human ego.

But why did you photoshop your picture to be green??? Again wastes time attacking another journalistic institute instead of covering the much more interesting angle of “Why I chose to have this picture I don’t like of myself photoshopped, not to make it look better, but so I’m green”. What possible purpose did it

Using the washboard to scrape some kind of ick or grossness of the boots, and next to a cliff to tap the washboard against effectively disposing of said ick?

Unless the alien is made of bacon...

I’m still waiting for the day he just loses it and walks outside. Hell if he walked out at quitting time on a cold day he could probably just blend in and enjoy a couple hours of freedom before the police catch up to him. Being in the U.K. he doesn’t even have to worry about getting shot when he gets picked up.

I feel bad for whoever ends up as a pallbearer.

Kid was playing hardball. Thank you for reminding me not to procreate. This is up there with the article about the kid shoving DS cartridges in the PS3.

I’m really uncomfortable with the idea of us pivoting to celebrity presidents too. On the other hand I can’t think of any other (D) that could reach the white women who voted for Trump and more locally Roy Moore. Nothing makes me as frustrated as people who willingly support their own oppression.

Wait... I feel like there were a bunch of articles about this stuff making people sick on this very site. You know what kudos to whoever got this deal inked after:

Wait... I feel like there were a bunch of articles about this stuff making people sick on this very site. You know

In my experience, don’t show up to an ER high if you can avoid it (even if it’s just weed). They will treat you like an addict and about let your appendix burst while barely going through the motions. (The past two times I went in they told me it was nothing so I popped some aspirin, smoked a bowl and tried to get

Technically gizmodo but they’re very much sister sites

“So maybe America is in a state of crisis when it comes to trust.”

Out of curiosity, how does one get one of these moderation jobs? I’ve been on the internet for a while and a veteran of chan boards (before they became the Nazi infested hellholes they are now) so i’m pretty numb to what the web can throw at me, and wouldn’t mind some extra income.

This sounds like an idea from someone who’s been trapped somewhere for so long he’s lost touch with sanity...oh wait.

Univision wants this blog to make more money and I’d argue ads are better than sacrificing journalistic integrity. Also good to know it’s not just me. I was confused why I was getting Spanish language ads when I have slightly less than a 101 understanding it.

Sadly enough with CNN doing a legit article on Gif Memes and such, likely years from now Pepe will get a foot note in a history book about this period. Also never be proud of ignorance. Willful ignorance is the far right’s bread and butter.

If we let stupidity kill off all the dumb ones, there’d be none of us left. Do you remember what it was like to be a dumbass teenager? (By teenager I mean anywhere in that 14-24 year old range where really dumb things seem like good ideas) I will admit this was a bit extra, but still.

It doesn’t help that their mobile site is redirecting ad nightmare. I used to read most of their articles daily. Now it’s next to impossible to get through one page without being randomly selected for an amazon gift card, which if you back out (if it’ll even let you) goes all the way back to their home page instead of

Can it please be Armored Core. For Answer was one of the greatest games I ever played. (I’m actually pissed my former roommate split with both of my copies and left me with the sadness that is five)

They’ve also got thoughts and prayers.