
I went in expecting a train wreck, but (and maybe it was because I had zero hopes for it) I was surprised. I actually enjoyed it. It was preposterous but so is a lot of anime. Also is the big Toblerone a euphemism, cause it seems like it gets used a couple of times as such.

See my other greyed comment in this thread (i’m only ungreyed on Splinter)

I had never played a VS. before so I wasn’t aware they were previously on the roster. That would be pretty brutal considering all the DLC units so far are $5 a pop. (I’m glad I only actually want one of them) Full disclosure I didn’t really like G Gundam so it wasn’t a huge deal when they weren’t there.

Also if you really want to punch things take Doan’s Zaku II. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to use it, but it has kicked my ass soooo many times.

Having played a lot of this game, I really don’t think they’d mesh with how the game works. They’d all be either stupidly overpowered or nerfed to the point where they’d just feel wrong. That’s VS.’s greatest strength, it feels like you’re actually piloting these machines. I was starting to become worried that as

A fair point (those are mostly northern democrats who probably didn’t have the same hard on for racism as their southern counterparts but an excellent riposte non the less). As long as these elites never have to worry about their own sons or daughters being sent off to the front there will be hawks on both sides.

Nam was started by pre 1969 democrats. Never forget pre-civil rights the democrats were the the more conservative party. The sides flipped when LBJ made the brave decision to defy the hardliners in his party and sign the bill giving people of color real rights.

I’m tempted to flip on Fox News to see the how the hell they’re going to spin this, but I’m already feeling nauseous and I don’t want to throw up.

Fox News is brutally effective at spinning anything (literally anything) to support a very specific world view. They basically spoon feed their viewers exactly what to think. (And I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how those dullards like it. Thinking is like hard you know.) That and they tell you, you didn’t lose your

I’m more worried we’ll invade with conventional weapons, and I’ll end up being drafted by a draft dodger. I don’t want to spend the autumn years of my 20's hiding in a trench getting shelled by artillery, and having to shoot women and children (never forget every citizen of North Korea is considered part of their

A more accurate price would have been $3250. I was oversimplifying. What I meant was Bernie was more likely to get something closer to what idealists on the left want than Hillary would. She would have come in at single payer and ended up just propping up ACA. Bernie would have started at full blown socialized

You’re a car person, I’m assuming based on your avatar. So let’s say you want to sell a car that’s worth $2,000. Hillary was asking $2,500 and by starting at a reasonable mark up she virtually assures all she’d get was $2,000, possibly even less. Sanders was asking $3,500 hoping through negotiations to arrive at

Thank you. I genuinely appreciate that.

Like I’m sure Kelly does every so often to the WH’s wifi to limit Donny Two Scoops’ screen time. Too much can be damaging to the brain of a small child.

Your Papa Johns guy can usually only take two orders with him at a time. It’s all logged and time stamped in their system. Granted, there are ways around it, but you need a manager who knows your login code and can time his signing you in and out so it doesn’t raise red flags back at corporate. I regularly leave the

Also I’ve been doing this for 7 years. I’m so good I regularly pull close to $30 an hour in tips and wages. Do not insult my professionalism. I get to go to work every day knowing I’m the best at what I do, can you say the same troll?

I deliver food. So yes that’s the ideal scenario, but they all want to have a conversation that I have to Houdini my way out of. Literally the other day I had a customer complain about the, I can’t bring myself to type the word, playing in the culdasac. Yes I do have an obligation to my Asian American employer to not

I’m a delivery driver in the barely blue state of Virginia (I’m very much in a red county though). I feel for you. Every time I roll up to a house with a confederate flag, or Trump stickers plastered all over the vehicles the driveway, I have to take a couple seconds and prep myself for the interaction.

This is me spitballing, but could they have been poisoned with some sort of inflammatory substance, making the auditory symptoms a result of swelling within the ear or brain? (I mean this idea is dumb because I feel like they’ve tested the victims for foreign substances, but this is the best mystery outside of

Looks like someone has a shitty job ahead of them.