
I don’t know, I’m pretty sure this is how I would do all my public appearances if I had stupid amounts of money.

Because it would be too meta for Russian Trolls to comment on an article about Russian Trolls?

I figured I’d run into more resistance for having the audacity to try and find some middle ground. (I think I’ve been living in Trump Country too long, because not only are they unwilling to compromise, they’re convinced the left won’t either).

Seriously that shit pisses me off. I’m a southerner and frankly I’m appalled that many of my ancestors willingly fought and died for the right to own other human beings. But if you’re from above the Mason Dixon and sporting a confederate battle flag I have an extra level of rage for you. I begrudgingly understand that

I like “bad” movies. Sometimes you want a plot that exists purely to give Jean Claude Van Damm an excuse to do the splits and kick people in the face.

Clearly I’m incapable of both donating to relief efforts, and talking about climate change at the same time. Thanks for clearing that up Mr. Pruitt. /s

Hey man you crush up a few oxy’s and snort them then see how much of reality you can actually grasp.

Hurricanes that don’t hit the US are all made up by Al Gore, weren’t you paying attention?

I edited that post to say talks like Captain Planet villain and now regret it. (I was more hungover and it seemed like a good idea that makes less sense now but I can’t change it back). He is a Captain Planet villain.

I get that. Pruitt’s statement just made me picture a cartoon sludge monster coming out of a biohazard barrel to physically attack the water. Which now that I think about it is a great metaphor for what Scott Pruitt is actually doing as our EPA head. I mean the dude talks like a villain from Captain Planet.

“addressing these areas of superfund activities that may cause an attack on water,” 

Wow that statement from Equifax sure clears things up. Nothing to see here.

Dammit, don’t show me this when I’m already broke from importing non region locked Japanese PS4 games.

I own golf clubs, and like Evangelion... but that bag is tacky af so hard pass.

I went to private school, no I had the privilege of going to private school. The education I received in just three years blew away anything I had experienced in public school (and I come from a nice area with “good” schools).

It probably looked like that back then too. There is an enormous amount of rage on that album. (Idc their writing was leaps and bounds above the rest of the Nu Metal movement... about the only ones I can still listen to and not want to smack the shit out of my 14 year old self) Good throw away joke though.

Yeah that guy who was 19 dating a 17 year old who’s parents pressed charges really deserves to die in a hurricane. Kindly go fuck yourself.

Oh come on, it’s not like Chevrolet has a documented history of selling people death traps or anything. /s

I’ve been unwillingly exposed to a lot of Fox News over the years, and Steve Doocy is an idiot (like extra stupid even for Fox).

Yep the whole place will just be statues and paintings of him flanking that damned electoral college map he loves so much. I hope that remains his only accomplishment.