
Different kind, there are like 43 kinds of lamprey around the world and they are a food item in europe... used to be, anyway.

In this case, Microsoft has struck preemptively. Back in January, they filed a motion to have the term "app store" rendered generic. I think it is still pending, but if they're using the term publicly, they must think they've got it in the bag. I am inclined to agree on the generic-ness of it, myself. They're stores

It's weird, OC is legal out here in Washington without a CPL, always figured Texas would be down with it as well.

Wait... you can't open carry in Texas? That just seems... so fantastically unlikely.

I'll give you that you'll never see the guy who clocks you with a tire iron for your $1500 toy.

Jerry's ceaseless quest for cheese. Don't think Tom would care that much.

That's a fair assumption, he has been talking about that a lot.

The Wheaton is 500,000 twitter followers. So right now @wilw (Wil Wheaton, the namesake of the unit) has 3.69 Wheatons. Less popular people would use miliwheatons, or in my case, microwheatons.

No love for the Wheaton? I know it's a fairly new measurement, but considering I first saw this post on Twitter...

Why would you wait a week? There's going to be plenty of places that will sell you a "Rolex" without having to bring them one.

It is called botox, but it's just botulinum toxin from the botulism. Absurdly dangerous toxins, for your face.

That I agree about. It's still a whole lot of dangerous stuff bolted together, traveling at high speed.

Not saying that isn't the case, just that he is correct about Energia not having SRB's.

The Energia does not have *solid* fuel boosters, unlike the Shuttle stack.

The combat deck was spring loaded to shoot Roller, the drone, out the ramp. Otherwise, it was all manual. I'm pretty sure that I used the shit out of my imagination with Optimus, because we never had an adventure on the floor of grandma's living room.

As someone who had an Optimus Prime as a child, I assure you that she was lying about that. It had a fold-out combat deck, with a drone that could bring Optimus stuff! Got hours and hours of play out of that as a child.

I give it to the dinosaur in this case. I think he'd just piss it off, for the most part.

I've been using a Focus for about a month now and it's pretty damn awesome, coming from an iPhone. Everything just falls into place after a day or two, and the range of apps is growing and it's a very snappy phone. If you like the interface, you'll like everything running under it.

I should have been more clear with my statement, or linked to that comment which was originally in an post about Dragon Age 2... Modern games in 3D engines look like mailboxes clanging together. Viper apparently used 2D animation to avoid that description, so... good for them, I suppose.

I like Luke Plunkett's description of video game sex: it looks like two mailboxes clanging together. Virtual Jenna or whatever does not change this. (thanks, google. I think.)