@LittleDragon: Commander's seat's the Commander's seat. Back up in the center of the turret behind the loader and gunner? Driver's down front center in the hull.
@LittleDragon: Commander's seat's the Commander's seat. Back up in the center of the turret behind the loader and gunner? Driver's down front center in the hull.
@LittleDragon: Eah... By the Commanders seat?
God damn, good on them for having pappy drink a local beer...
@LittleDragon: I'm pretty sure it's north east of here. They must put maps in tanks, right?
@Grive: That is an important distinction to make, and it is about what I expected.
I want to know how laser cooked steak tastes.
@LittleDragon: The label on that can said tamales. In some alternate dimension, that label is right.
@LittleDragon: Sure! What the heck could go wrong, am I right?
I said it in the o'deck, I'll say it here. I like the new look. I might actually buy that comic just because of it.
@Feyhra: ++ for werewolves. They'll get their due someday.
@LittleDragon: How in the world did they get that substance into the egg shells, anyway? Wouldn't jerrycans be easier to transport?
@LittleDragon: *hands over the flask of Vermont Fancy syrup in a more noticeable way this time*
@LittleDragon: Vermont Fancy with just the faintest hint of radiation. *hands over flask*
@LittleDragon: The antitank rifle. What caliber? Scoped?
@LittleDragon: Waffles? I just happen to have a wafflesicle iron that I'd be more than happy to trade for some worthwhile weaponry.
@corpore-metal: Every once and awhile I think I should get a Nehru suit just because it looks like the future.
Am I the only one that thinks the zeppelins in no. 1 need to be spaced out better? Looks like so much damage could be done with one good strafing run.
@WookieLifeDay: I'll take an animated Trek.
@Illundiel: Yeah, that's true. Bruce Willis makes everything better.
I'd watch it.