Republicunt voters only pretend to care about abortion, America and Democracy.
Republicunt voters only pretend to care about abortion, America and Democracy.
No, he’s finding out what fucking around leads to
Citations, please.
Nothing can run for 25 years without any dips in quality whatsoever
I enjoyed the Netflix version as a “Premeditated Final Destination” also because I don’t respect the original with fawning adoration
Doesn’t matter; if anyone had decided they were going to vote for him, they’re already so far gone they won’t care what he’s done or the level of his hypocrisy. He could name them in a press announcement, saying he hates them & hopes they die & they will still vote for him - b/c they’re voting for Republicans to gain…
So I don’t get the tactic being used by our local Russian/Putin tankie. He’s ranting about Republicans, which are still very much in the pocket of the Kremlin, not facing consequences, while at the same time declaring that Kan’t ye facing consequences, while supporting GOP craziness, is unfair.
I want to believe his dumbass was trying to be funny, but this completely fucked timeline we’re living in probably means he was serious. Moron would’ve been one and a half years old to kill Kennedy....
Jesus Christ, sounds like Irv was gettin’ his Harvey Weinstein on.
Found the racist fuckwad.
On the one hand, good riddance, and on the other...what took so effing long?! These companies and individuals profited heavily off ofthis mentally unstable Black man like no other, which in turn enriched him, and made him think that it was totally okay to get even more hateful and hurtful with his speech and actions.
At best, Mr. Ye needs time away from the spotlight, time with a good psychiatrist, and any appropriate meds. At worst, Mr. Ye is trying to appeal to Trump’s influential base so he can duplicate the “success” of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tucker Carlson—social consequences be damned. Either way, he’s made himself a…
He cancelled himself with his stupid comments.
Sure did take some of them a long time to move on. They should have been had their bags packed when he had all that trump supporting, candice owens hanging, slavery was a choice kickin’ and black self hate spewing going on.
“Have it in” isn’t really how I would describe what’s happened. Ye is reaping what he has sowed, which is different.
I don’t think anyone (except maybe Plunkett) writes off the Simpsons as being rubbish. It’s first nine seasons or so were utterly amazing TV, a truly unprecedented run of greatness.
Nice to see the return of the makeup gun. Even if it’s just for the poster.
I like the callout on the poster to Homer’s instant makeup application invention...
I know Simpsons isn’t as good as it once was, but I am still very fond of it, and I think this little anime homage just looks cute as hell. I hope the jokes are there for it to be a good segment because this seems like one of the rare new* ones I’d actually like to watch.
So disturbing. These are the folks we rely on for help! *sigh* Who knows what other racist and crazy opinions he has and how how many lives has it ruined or strained?