LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

I really enjoyed The Boys. There was also Carnival Row, which I still don’t know if I will watch.

What’s bad is I cannot remember for the life of me if I ever even heard this show until this post.

Hope springs eternal, I guess.

Now playing

*shrug emoji, followed by eyeroll emoji, followed by “I am disgusted by you” emoji*

Why has that person not been banned yet? They’ve hit the BS comment trifecta - hate speech, harassment and spam, frequently in the same comment.

It’s only small when they want to forcibly shove it past someone’s vagina into their uterus to check the contents.

So... should Americans be banned from buying property outside the US? Be vacation homes or permanent homes?

I need your ENTIRE comment as my Instagram bio.

I disagree. They aren’t clueless. These are 100% conscious choices. They are being purposely intellectually lazy.

I am glad she got the care she needed so save her life, and if she decides to have another child, that pregnancy is successful.

I agree. This is is a surefire way for this child to turn up dead. We literally have cases in the US where child protective services has returned a child to the domestic abuse perpetrator and the child ended up dead within 6 months.

There’s a comic on Adam Tots’ Instagram that perfectly reflects your feelings towards your aunt.

They continue to vote against their own best interests because their candidates hate the people they hate.

That must be impossibly disorienting and disappointing to him.

It makes me wonder about the age of the child.

I agree. This needs to make Nightly News. Make that jackass neurologist famous.

This is some EPIC clownery on the part of the doctor, he can go fuck several trees. I have multiple sclerosis. When I had my first major flare it caused weakness on my left side so severe that I had trouble walking and standing, and my arm was completely paralyzed for a time. The neurologist I was referred to

We are the “shithole country” tRump was perpetually bitching about during his candidacy and term.

I’d say he doesn’t know how this works but...