LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

“I took little Mia to see London, just the two of us. You know, to take care of things.”

Except Rich is a dude and there are tons of comments from people saying that his take sucks.

You got a chip on your shoulder and this is not the story that validates it.

At this point in history, voting Republican, for anything, ever, is an act of violence against women and an act of sedition against the United States. There is no excuse for being Republican any more beyond sheer, spiteful, evil.

I believe the spectacle of the exercise is part of the point; even all this is much better for the deeply evil, largely unpopular party than the public discourse covering crap significant portions of the electorate manage to miss or misunderstand.

Not until these laws directly affect the male of the species will this change. There are plenty of medications that have the potential to mutate sperm, take THC as a simple example. No one is asking whether some male buying from their local dispensary is “of childbearing age”.

So Herschel’s scandal timeline goes from secret children to secret non-children?

Was watching a panel of political insiders discussing whether or not this will be the final blow to his campaign. The consensus was that it really won’t have much effect at all. The republican message will be “Look at his policy proposals, not his personal issues.” and “What are you going to vote for? A conservative

What the hell, Rich. If they’d been cold and emotionless, it sounds like you would have written an article about how they clearly didn’t care. Of course they feel emotional, this situation deeply wounded 2 relationships, several lifelong friendships, and almost took down a company that they all put their entire lives

All of this. This level of hypocrisy SHOULD inspire Christian to look critically at his political party and realize that they don’t care about him at all - because he’s black, because he’s gay, all of it - but it won’t. The scales haven’t fallen off his eyes yet.

Yep, controlling those of childbearing age was always the point.

Please, please, please ladies get out and vote this November!

Talk about being on team nobody. Christian Walker is an insane contrarian on the level of Kanye West and Candace Whatshername (also those Ruby and Satin chicks, or whatever they go by). Didn’t we just see him go all MAGA nuts on Kehlani at a Starbucks like a month ago? I thought his Twitter feed was all about him

Right so the GOP thinks the son is “deeply disturbed” and this is how they choose to treat someone they believe s mentally ill? Blaming him and throwing him under the bus for the GOP’s failings is hardly going to help him get better.

Good thing I had my popcorn ready.  The mental gymnastics these fuckers go through is both hilarious and depressing.  Hilarious because it’s all real and, how did you not know these things about this dip shit?  And depressing because a large swatch of Georgia won’t give a shit that this moron is a hypocrite and

He officially left the group on September 16, according to the video.

....he put their entire business in jeopardy. All they did was explain the situation and apologize to their staff and fans. That’s it. They also stressed multiple times that the families involved are the real victims, and that women usually bear the brunt of online criticism and they dont want that to happen so please

Is Jezebel paying for the asshole take to incite outrage? That’s the only excuse for this steaming pile.

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but they didn’t do anything here, Ned did. As far as they knew, they were having fun and doing stupid things and making money, just going about their day and then this jackass in one fail swoop ruins multiple lives and livelihoods. THEY have to now make statements and figure out their

I had no idea who these guys were before this started being reported, but I think this is a little harsh. We want people to take these things seriously. I thought their emotions seemed genuine and I appreciate their transparency.