I ate so much sushi when I was pregnant.
I ate so much sushi when I was pregnant.
What’s next, monitoring by the American Taliban to determine whether we’re menstruating “when we should be,” and/or whether we’ve finally hit menopause? Nothing like having the gubmint know all about your fertility status before you do. Perhaps we will be forced to wear a large red “M” in the former situation and a…
No no no, they care about people with money
I don’t know if Kennedy is doing it on purpose*, but the Black Panthers did those things precisely because their White-run governments and charities ignored Black communities. The Black Panthers did policing, mentoring, philanthropy, tutoring, neighborhood cleanup, etc.
Don’t forget soft cheeses and lunch meat. 🙄
By this logic, they should ban women from drinking and sushi as well, just in case.
Crackheads would have done a better job at Uvalde.
Don’t lay that at RBG’s feet, it wouldn’t have made a bit of difference if she retired when Obama was president, all that would mean is today the conservative justices outnumber the liberal/centrist ones 5-4 instead of 6-3. The conservative justices would have still been able to pull all of their BS.
God damn white men gotta always show their asses I guess
as if cops themselves don’t love methamphetamine and not showing up when called? I unironically would love a tighter community where you can call members of it for help when you need it instead of some overarmed C-student from the suburbs who doesn’t care at best, and wants us all to die at worst. at least crackheads…
You’re missing my point.
RBG had the chance to retire while Obama was president and the Dems had Sneate control and she didn’t.
As a woman living in America, I honestly wonder if we ever had true equality because we’re on the verge of losing every human right we ever had all because Obama made fun of Trump in public once and RBG died.
I love it that they’ve got someone like Gaetz in their party and the best material they seem to have come up with on Fetterman is that he has a NIN tattoo. Oh no!!
Most of us Dems, and a number of Republicans I know, think that Fetterman’s campaign has been one of the smartest and well run in recent memory.
Nothing more divisive could come from a Russian bot.
You really love to say how intelligent you are in every comment you make. First you say you still haven't found time to get vaccinated, and now you're saying you're no longer going to vote? Not voting isn't the intellectual statement people think it is and you're not coming across as the intelligent woman you claim to…
Thanks for your input, Ivan.
Do you also like walks along the beach using your human legs and breathing air with your lungs.
Gwe, this doesnt seem obvious or anything. Of course Americans always say things like “I am from the state of Iowa” when talking to fellow Americans. Totally natural sounding.