OMG sex scenes on set...
OMG sex scenes on set...
Interesting that the “spontaneity” of the many, many movies Sean Bean has died in was the result of stunt coordinators making sure everything looked good and everyone was safe
You should watch Léon: The Professional (1994). An 11 year old Natalie Portman goes absolutely off the rails.
Feeling less bad for Sean Bean having his characters killed off so often now.
How much do we need graphic sex scenes at all?
I think the horrific childbirth scene (while horrific) was both historically accurate and necessary to set the stage.
Pretty much. I get the very speck of the idea he maybe might have been trying to get at in that if a sex scene looks too overly chereographed, then it no longer looks like believable sex (I’m thinking of Allison Williams contorting herself into a pretzel to keep everything covered during wide sex shots in “Girls”),…
Especially in these very expensive shows where every scene is carefully scripted, blocked and managed.
Yes. Quite the well-sorted debater that one. Not sure why Kinja allows this sort of garbage.
Also, it looks like grooL doesn’t like to have any sort of conversation since they keep dismissing replies to their “why should women be protected from rape” question.
I find it concerning that more older actors are seeking spontaneity and dismissing Intimacy Coordinators outright. You’re on a set, shooting a scene, which could result in millions of revenue lost for each time their ‘spontaneity’ doesn’t result in making ‘the scene they’re being paid to shoot.’
Not to be a prude, but “HotD???” Really?
“It’s not an issue,” says the dog who finally caught the car.
Yup. And Yamiche Alcindor is an excellent journalist who highlights her expert skill here of schooling this idiot with a meaningless job title while obviously having to walk a tightrope as a woman of color. Nevermind unlike this dolt, she has an actual, meaningful, respectable and experienced platform from which to…
Even if inflation was the number one issue for me - why the fuck would I trust Republicans to fix that?
What else are they going to say? It isn't like they are going to grow a soul and care about women's rights.
While I don’t think anything you wrote is exactly wrong, where should places like MSNBC (which does well with the grading curve), or host like Todd (who is simply horrible) go for balancing opinions (where that’s actually appropriate, or just ridiculously traditional)?
Tone deaf, for sure. Evident how important the candidates think it is, as well, when you see them scrubbing their websites of their previous positions.
I love the sheer audacity of the guy saying ‘not an issue at all.’ How hard would it have been for this ‘strategist’ to say something like: ‘Of course this issue is contentious and people are concerned, BUT I believe come November blah blah blah’?
I hate that the Supreme Court has issued an awful decision in Dobbs, as do all the people I know. In the lemons/lemonade category, a spotlight is shining on the idea though, that reproductive freedom needs to be made an actual law, not an abstract concept subject to the whims of politics and political power and our…