LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

“How could you be so cruel as to pass a law that you know will hurt women and that you know will cause babies to be born in pain?” she said.

I looked for a review on YouTube and had to clear the hate videos from my feed for days afterwards. Now that I watched the show I'm appalled, I was immediately invested in the characters, how can you see Arondir and Disa and all your brain spews out is: Black people bad, I don't want black people on my fantasy show.

If only more people were able to comprehend bad things without it first having to happen to them directly.


Is she also taking a close look at her other bigoted believes or only where it concerns her? 


“The only moral abortion was MY abortion”

I’m having a hard time mustering up much sympathy, but it’s important that she’s speaking out. Many pro-life women have secret abortions and never change their stance, or else they use their own regrets as a weapon against women who aren’t them.

It pisses me off that it takes almost dying for these fucking idiots to get it.

What do we do to actually teach empathy to people in a better way so that we don’t continue to live in a world led around by a lot of people who don’t give a shit about things unless they personally impact them? People keep trying to talk about ways to flip anti-abortion people and the answer there is “most aren’t

This is common with conservatives: no empathy. They make little carve outs or exceptions to protect themselves and those they love. They refuse to support similar carve outs or exceptions for similarly or analogously situated people. So she’s anti-abortion... until she personally needs an abortion and suddenly is

She got lucky. Closing the empathy gap comes at far too high a cost, far too often.

weird swerve

Don Marshall, who is tagged on those posts, is the creator of the t-shirts/hats/merch and a deeply nerdy LOTR fan who posts excellent content on TikTok - definitely worth a follow if you like that sort of thing. He’s planning to donate 50% of the proceeds to a charity TBD that benefits POCs.

The small things small people concern themselves about is really small and sad.

Yeah “very jittery” and with track marks.

I don’t know, with airline travel these days I’m more surprised to see anybody NOT having a breakdown.