LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

he now has a “squad” of “60 dudes” who he has weekly Zoom meetings and bike rides with

He does. It is regrettably bro-ey.

Whether they like playing The Flash or not, I’m pretty sure the film will be the last we see of them in that role. There’s a lot of perks with being a movie star, but it comes with a non-negligible amount of stress and responsibilities. Ezra Miller is not good for The Flash, and The Flash isn’t good for Ezra Miller.

“that woman” That’s all we need to know.

There’s no reason to talk about ‘these kinds of situations’ as a generality. If LaBoeuf genuinely feels like he’s ready to own his shit, he should settle with/not contest Twigs’ lawsuit.

Why is it so hard for some of you to understand that actions have consequences and simply apologizing doesn’t magically make them go away

He also drew comparisons to Josh Brolin and Mel Gibson as actors who’ve been accused of domestic abuse in the past

People absolutely deserve a chance to make changes and move forward in a different direction in their life.

Right so if your ego died, mate, why does 100% of your end of this conversation revolve around managing the way people perceive you?

And claiming that he’s the real victim. Damn media ghouls! How dare they report on things that actually happened.

But he has a daughter now, so he’s all better.

So he has allegations of abuse against women and he decides the way to keep him in check is to hang around 60 men? Ok lol. This whole thing just sounds like the typical abuser apology tour. Can never just admit to wrong doing without painting themselves in a positive light 

I think this is #2. He went to rehab and then made that movie about his childhood as an actor and his messed up relationship with his dad. And then the Twigs stuff came out, and he’s back at square one. 


“I’m a very public sinner, a very fallible person in the public sphere...”

[jerkoff hand gesture]

Come on, give the guy a chance. Or seven. His ego died!

it’s always the narcissistic ones who blabble on about ‘ego-death’, go away Beefyboy...

I’ve lost track. How many redemption tours does this make for Shia now? It’s surely not the first.

I’m glad he’s not in active use because he would have kept on abusing others, but fuck, the “self enlightened” brand of toxic masculinity that is happening lately is some deep level of delusion.