LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

Once again, let me just say, as a non-American ... the fact that you elect your judges, using the same system that allows for undocumented dark money to influence every election ... is stupid.

Not a shock, and good for this candidate for having the common sense to center an urgent, top-of-mind issue on which he is on the right side of public opinion. It’s just a no-brainer. The Democratic position, pro-abortion, which is the default Democratic position, beat the Republican anti-woman position, by over 10

Is this indicative of whats oncoming for Republicans?

I know if anyone can fuck up a sure thing it’s the Dems LOL, but...I don’t see how the GQP’s aggressive, almost sadistic contempt for the rights of women, homosexuals, trans people, etc. will help them win midterms. This is still the same country that elected t***p 6 years ago and I’m sure they have some illegal

I think there’s some stuff that’s really culturally dependent. I was given real knives in the kitchen and cooking duties at like 4-5 years old. I know a lot of people who think that’s insane, but in my family once you were big enough to get burned on the stove, you learned how to do kitchen stuff.

Why are we listening to anything that Julia Fox has to say about child-rearing, again?  

From what I’ve seen of Julia gallivanting around town, I'm surprised she even remembers she has a kid at all! 

While Kanye’s former muse seemed to genuinely hype the Montessori Method (hippie teachings for rich people!)“

Every child psychologist in the universe says that it’s important for children to learn through play. I’m going to listen to them instead of this dingbat.

Do you think some people have just never spent any time with children at all? My husband is from the deep South and got his first gun at age 5 or something insane. He said he was taught gun safety, so it was perfectly fine. I tried to explain to him that kids’ brains are not the same as adults. You can teach little

It’s always interesting to see how someone reacts to achieving a little bit of fame. In Fox’s case, it seems to be making a fool of yourself at every opportunity.  Hilton and Richie had actual money to fall back on.  Not sure what Julia’s exit plan is.  Another sugar daddy, I guess.

As a parent, I haven’t exactly found it difficult to instill work ethic and appreciation for what you have while also wanting my children’s lives to be filled with as much wonder and joy as possible.  They’ll be adults soon enough.  Why take that from them??

Also, psychologically, for young kids, play IS important. Different play activities help them work on assorted skills (Legos? Construction skills. Baby dolls? Nurturing. Coloring? Artistic skills.) And further, by finding out what play activities they enjoy, and what they don’t, they are learning more about

Pretty sure we didn’t stop sending children to work in coal mines and textile mills “because capitalism”.

god damn i thought we were done with her

Looking forward to Julie’s next book Up My Own Ass and Digging Deeper: How I Solved the World’s Problems by bringing us back to Pre-Industrial Times.

Oh Julia. An Art History (or History) student you are not. No, that’s not why artists painted children as looking like little adults. They didn’t really paint them that way! And as for the concept of “childhood”, I assume she’s referring to the Victorians being the first to institute child labor laws but since she’s

Yeah, she’s not completely wrong, kids like small age-appropriate chores and feeling like they’re accomplishing something. Kids are still kids and like to play though.

She’s the closest thing we have in modern-day celebrity culture to the feigned stupidity of Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie in the early aughts, and I’m holding onto her for dear life.

You know what else we did back then, Judy?  Died at 40.