LogicFail: Go Fuck a Tree 2020

We were warned for years that something bad could happen when “Black Cat” crossed our path.

Lil Fizz, J-Boog, and Raz-B...can we get some government names please?!?!

Anti-Blackness in action:

Feign concern for his family, then pivot to something that seemingly indicates that his death - at best - is no big deal... and - at worst - was justified by stupid, self-loathing opinions he may have expressed in life.

Rented one and the photographer was a genius- they also took furniture out so you didn’t realize the kitchen/living room/entrance was 9x10 cozy didn’t begin to describe that

Also, be wary of photos that are cropped funny, like not showing the side of a house. A lot of places try to hide that they’re actually condo/two-family/mother-in-law.

Bottom line is it’s a good idea to do your homework before booking ANY sort of travel accommodations.

I love how liberally AirBnB hosts get with tech feature listings. I was amused by my last one in which the “TV” was an off-brand 15" panel hastily mounted to the wall, about 7' in the air, skewed off-angle, behind a door, with a cable looped and not connected to anything, with a power outlet too far away for the power

uh hello, why was this article not formatted as a listicle? I came here expecting to get my listicle fix and find an actual article with subheadings? LOL

I had to move house earlier this year. There are a couple of things relevant to rentals. Try to get a look either out through the windows of the place, or if you’re outside looking in, what’s behind you? What will you be looking at? In one case, it was straight into the local bottle shop/liquor store.

combine that with deeply engrained narcissism and the ego stroke of being an attractive girl on social media and you may as well be free-basing adrenaline with White Claws.

“those paintings where the eyes follow you”

yeah these are all bad words...but I am totally that guy at the beginning of a horror movie whose just moves in without care. but I am also the guy who immediately gets scared and dies in some self inflicted panic accident.

I quoted this episode just last week after dealing with a realtor.

Bring it up, go ahead.
But what’s that got to do with the WHITE GIRL that killed him?
Just seems odd that this was such an important footnote for you to mention
...that has nothing to justify/trigger/bring about the violent death he suffered by an abusive partner with a history.

After you book, look up the address on Google Street View. Most Airbnb and VRBO will allow you to cancel without a penalty.

Open google maps, locate the general area, and type ‘AIRBNB’ into the search box. Any previous renters’ tagged photos will show up.

White privilege is a hell of a drug.

The culture of “fame” in America?

“Don’t show any evidence of my past behavior, as long as I get to control the narrative I’m going home scott free!

Who the fuck raised these people to take a life so easily and then try to disregard it like a bad social media post?
